Written in the Stars // February

The Horoscope for the Aquarius season with Probable Zodiac Matches for the Valentine’s Day holiday

Lexie Vincenty and Abby Birch

 AQUARIUS [jan 20 to feb 18] // Aquarius, February will start off a great month for you! You have a boost of good vibes from the planet Venus. You are pretty much destined to have loads of fun. But be careful! Too much fun can lead to a hard crash when the fun comes to a stop, which may lead to you to be lazy and basically not do anything. You should definitely watch out for that, but don’t let it stop you from having any fun because, hey, you deserve it! Also, Venus leaves your sign on the 13th, and you will basically become a Pisces — very, very emotional and very sensitive. You will overthink everything. Don’t be afraid to ask for some help! This is a time when most of the signs are very generous and are willing to help you out! So, don’t get down on yourself, Aquarius!  

Most Probable Valentines: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


PISCES [feb 19 to mar 20] // Oh boy, my fishy Pisces friends, what a month you have ahead! This month will be also most everything you need. February will be a perfect mix of relaxation and calmness (which you desperately need) and interesting new things coming your way. Your energy will be a little over the top, which is something the other signs aren’t expecting, so have some fun with that. Pretty much Pisces, you have a great month and then YOUR month. The universe is letting you recuperate a bit, since the last few months have not exactly been fantastic. They haven’t been bad, per se, but not as good as they could have been. But these next two months are your nice, little reward for trying to have a positive spin on things that have happened. Enjoy your time, Pisces!

Most Probable Valentines: Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


ARIES [mar 21 to april 19] // Oh boy! It’s this Leo’s favorite time of the month! Roasting Aries time! Welcome to Aquarius season, Aries! Somehow you are even more, well, you this month. You are very social and are dreaming up some big plans for the future. Let’s see if you ever actually finish them! You are very busy and tornado-ing around like a typical Aries. But something very strange is coming for you, my crazy Aries friends. Honestly Aries, just be crazy this month cause in Pisces season, things are going to change. Don’t freak out — it’s just for one month. But all the other signs have it marked on their calendars cause they know what is coming. Enjoy the next few days of your craziness, Aries… but beware the Pisces season.

Most Probable Valentines: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


TAURUS [april 20 to may 20] // You see Taurus, normally at this point in time, you would be wandering out in search of adventure. Not during Aquarius season! Right now you’re going to feel way too over-dramatic and awkward (especially around Valentine’s day). Even though you might not find that significant other, you’ll somehow make a ton of new friends! Don’t ask us how — we have no idea either. Due to the recent shift of the planets/stars, drama will come flowing your way. If you are a senior Taurus, you’ll most likely spend your nights in the following month overthinking your life choices and your entire future. As for the juniors, we have no idea. All of you are going to be stuck in that awkward phase no matter where their planets shift.

Most Probable Valentines: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


GEMINI [may 21 to june 20] // It is a nice, big, sad boy season for you, Gemini. Now, one side of you might be wanting all the Valentine’s day crap that is promised to people every year, and the other side just wants to go out and have that once-a-year-oh-it’s-her-birthday-but-not-really-we-just-want-an-Ichiban-show type of dinner. You know what we mean, right? But of course. All of the romantic-comedy movies are flooding your Netflix account right now, and for that, we are so sorry. We wish we could do something for you because we understand how much you hate them. Not just hate them — loathe them with a burning passion. All those fake, scripted love stories just make you feel worse, so just avoid them in general, and maybe try to go out and get some real human connection. After all, you prefer that anyway. No matter what, just remember that everything happens for a reason and to have some more patience, like, geez.  

Most Probable Valentines: Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


CANCER [june 21 to july 22] // So basically, nothing is changing for you. At all. And to make this season even better, your ego is skyrocketing right out of proportion, causing you to be the most overconfident that you’ll be all year. We cannot explain this phenomenon because we just can’t explain you at all! You just walk around like you have it all and have this thought that everyone absolutely adores you. That is not always the case, you know. A lot of the signs do not favor your company 99% of the time. Gemini and Leo included. Also, you might want to take a step back and check your fashion sense, honey, because it’s looking a little out of whack right now. And do not even try to argue; everything is just not good for you right now, even though you will try to convince yourself that it is. It might get better for you, but in your eyes, it’s always going well, so you don’t have to worry there.

Most Probable Valentines: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


LEO [july 23 to aug 22] // Leos! Welcome back to not feeling like actually crap everyday. You finally decided you were tired of being sad everyday and wanted to get back to your self-loving self. Aquarius season has been great for you, but Pisces will be even better! In Aquarius season, you get some of your mojo back, but in Pisces season, oh boy, your whole ego comes back. But hey, come on, you deserve it. You have had a rough few months, and you deserve to be a little showy. Some other signs might complain, but who cares? You’re better than them anyway. My Leos in relationships, be sure you don’t focus on yourself too much, and my single Leos, just know you almost too good for any other signs right now. Well, not exactly. Listen Leos, we are all happy you have got your mojo back, and no one is happier than you, but don’t get super wrapped in yourself. That was your downfall back in November, remember? Be sure of yourself but not so sure that you fall again.

Most Probable Valentines: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra


VIRGO [aug 23 to sept 22] // You are more than just discombobulated this month, Virgo, but do us all a favor and get more sleep. We are well aware you procrastinate more often than you’d like to, but you are no doubt exhausted. Do not argue with anyone because this is vital to you. If you don’t do this, you won’t be able to even function. After all, this is the season to focus on your self care and your routine/schedules. Take some time to calm down and focus on yourself. Be cautious of those who might try to come back into your life because if they want you to lift a grudge that you’ve been holding for a long time, they may try to pull some tricks. Don’t let them get into your head, which we really do not have to worry about considering how headstrong you already are. Something good might try to come your way too…or someone for that matter. Keep your guard up, but at the same time, keep a lookout for the things happening around you.

Most Probable Valentines: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio


LIBRA [sept 23 to oct 22] // This month will be very social and exciting for you, Libra! It’ll basically be one big party — a party filled with drama. The first half of the month will be quite the social event, but things will soon slow down. And, with all the excitement slowing down, your creativity will soar. With this slow-down, you will feel an overcoming sense of relaxation and serenity. You will find yourself eager to come home everyday and just chill out, and after a season of partying, that doesn’t sound that horrible. Take some serious advantage of this time cause it doesn’t come around very often for you, Libras.  

Most Probable Valentines: Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius


SCORPIO [oct 23 to nov 21] // This is the one time during the year that we might get to see a Scorpio actually cry! Not that it’s a good thing — you have to keep your guard up, right? Wrong. Not now. This is an ideal time for you to just let it out. Just admit it, if you’re single and a Scorpio, you are very butthurt about it, much like Gemini! Just let yourself go this month and spend more time with family and friends because you’ll definitely need it. You can live without your tough-guy face you put on everyday [I mean c’mon, it’s only a stereotype anyway. We all know you guys are soft deep down]. Also, this might seem a bit weird for someone like yourself, but all of those creative and romantic vibes are going to flourish this month, just in time for Valentine’s day too! We know there’s someone out there who has to love you, Scorpio — just be patient for now.

Most Probable Valentines: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces


SAGITTARIUS [nov 22 to dec 21] // We know you’re going to want to hear absolutely everything that’s going on around school this season, but for the sake of the other signs, could you at least try to keep your mouth shut for once? Around this time of the year, you tend to have a bigger mouth anyway, which leads to more unneeded gossip. Much like Leo and Gemini, you all just need to take a step back and slow down. The world does not revolve around what everyone is saying. We know this is a very hard concept to grasp, but just please try. You might have been in a bad mood last month, but since everything has shifted, you’ll feel the need for something new and fresh, so by all means take advantage of it. You need a wave of something new, Sag; you’ve been holding onto too many of your old habits. Yes, speak your mind during this time, but don’t blurt anything too embarrassing out there; it might scare people away.

Most Probable Valentines: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius, Libra


CAPRICORN [dec 22 to jan 19] // You will have a spike in productivity this month, Capricorns, which is something you love and enjoy greatly. After being not-yourself for the last few months, you are finally ready to get back to the norm and kick it in the butt. This month will not only be very productive for you but also very relaxing and calm. You are usually not used to being productive and able to relax at the same time, but this month is the time for it! You are going to think more deeply about your decisions before you make them, which is something you aren’t used to. Your emotions are going to run a little high this month as you assess things that matter to you. Good things are going to be coming your way, Capricorn. It’s like the perfect storm of great things! Enjoy this fun, productive, and relaxing month! It will be a great one.  

Most Probable Valentines: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces