Ashley Borg is a Senior at North Allegheny Senior High. Ashley enjoys different writing courses, different sciences, and history courses. Ashley plans to major in interior design after high school and push forward into the real estate business.
Women in the Workplace
May 23, 2019
When considering the roles of women in the workforce compared to men, some would say that the workplace is fairly equal now. However, there are many statistics that prove that this is a seriously flawed statement.
When looking at the average median salary between men and women, men make about $946 dollars a week, while women only make $769. These numbers are drastically different, despite women making up 54.6% of the workforce — more than half. Women of color suffer from the wage gap more; for every white male dollar, a black woman makes $0.61, and a Latina woman makes $0.53.
Is this drastic difference due to the fact that, when hiring, many see men to have a rightful place at the top due to traditionally masculine traits and institutionalized racism? Because they are physically bigger, look more intimidating, and are believed to be able to take more stress and make better decisions than women? Ultimately, men benefit unfairly from our culture’s ideals.