Note to readers: The following article includes references to self-harm. If you or anyone you know is in need of help, please see a NASH counselor or call, text, or chat 988. Your conversation is confidential.
Who is your role model ? And has it changed over the course of your life?
Since I was very young it's been my grandpa and it has never changed.
What is a cool little fact most people don’t know...
Annika Good, Opinions & Arts Editor
• August 27, 2024
What were you doing before you came to NASH?
Most of my time prior to NASH was spent as a police officer for O'Hara Township. I retired from there as Chief of Police, after spending time as a...
What’s your favorite NASH window?
You look like you’d be a Law and Order character.
I definitely just downloaded a virus.
Prom dress shopping is an arms...
Unknown to most, June is recognized as Men’s Mental Health Awareness Month. While this month is intended to raise awareness about a critically important cause, it often goes entirely ignored by both...
How long have you been teaching? Working at North Allegheny?
I have been teaching for 27 years in total, but 24 years at NA.
What is your favorite course to teach?
Business Communication
For the first time in 21 years, the Aurora Borealis was visible all across the United States. This past Friday, May 11, an intense geomagnetic (G4) storm caused by flares from the Sun allowed these alluring...