Years in Education
This will be my 23rd year.
What is your position here at NASH?
I am a school counselor
Best memory at NASH
I would say I don’t really have one in particular, just the people that I have met and worked with and
gotten to know during my time here.
Plans after Retirement
I am moving to Reno,Nevada and probably traveling all around the western part of the country because I have never lived out there, and then probably Africa after that.
What new activities do you plan to pick up after you retire?
Probably regaining some of my old hobbies like fishing. I stopped doing it because it got so busy here, so it will be nice to get back into that again.
If you could make any last change to NASH, what would it be?
I would like to see “the bubble” be removed and allow people to explore diversity. I want people to be able to feel normal in the district, and I feel like some people don’t feel that way from a diversity standpoint, so it would be nice to see North Allegheny do something about that.
*Student Tribute*
Mr. Hambrick is a very kind person who happens to be very generous — generous with his words and guidance. He has been a great person to me and has had a great impact on me. I don’t think I would be the only person to say I will miss his presence. ~Angii Thompson