About the Writers

Nisha Rao, News Editor
Nisha Rao is a senior and longtime student at North Allegheny, where she is involved in Key Club, Speech and Debate, and Student Council. In the future, she plans to major in Political Science and Economics, while also writing throughout college. Television, food, and running bring joy to her life. She is excited to be part of TheĀ Uproar.

Samantha Solenday, Assignments Editor
Samantha Solenday is a senior at NASH this year. Among other things, she is a member of the NASH choirs and speech and debate team. Next year, Samantha is going to Pitt to earn a degree in Public and Professional Writing. She is very excited to write for the Uproar this year!

Amanda Lu, Opinions Editor
Amanda Lu is a senior at North Allegheny. She loves to spread her opinions around like it's everybody's business.