Taking Center Stage
Senior Evan Diulus gives the inside scoop on the spring musical
March 7, 2019
As the spring musical approaches, we sat down with senior Evan Diulus to get the details on this year’s show, Good News.
What character do you play in the spring musical?
I play football star Tom Marlowe in the musical this year.
What is your favorite part of the upcoming musical?
My favorite thing about this musical is that it hasn’t been done recently by another high school in this area. While not many people know what the musical is like, it gives the audience a new show to learn about and understand. It is a good show with high energy, along with love and comedy, but the storyline really enhances it, in my opinion, for the audience, since none of them will know what happens until they see it.
What have been some of the struggles that have come along with practicing for the musical?
The biggest struggle all of us have is keeping up with school work and making sure we stay healthy. With three practices a week starting in January and then practices every day after school and on Sundays starting two weeks before the show, homework is what causes the most stress. Luckily, I’m a second-semester senior, so it doesn’t affect me as much as it has the past two years. I do feel bad for my freshmen, sophomore and junior friends because I know the workload from school that comes along with being a part of this production. Staying healthy is also important. It’s not a thing many people think about, but before you know it, with lack of sleep and the cold weather, you’re out sick.
Are there any ways that you and your life relate to the show?
I would say it relates in the fact that many of the main characters have decisions to make that are important to the plot. Like most high school students, we’re all faced with challenging decisions weekly — and sometimes daily. Also, another funny thing is that my character fails an astronomy test, and while I have never taken astronomy, I have failed a few tests in my years here at North Allegheny (sorry to all my wonderful teachers).
Is the spring musical a must-see this year?
Absolutely. Like I said before, this show is not commonly done, and it takes place in the late 1920s, right before the Great Depression. So, not only is it a fun and high energy show to watch, but it also takes place in a time period that, in my opinion, we don’t talk about enough. Last year, when we did The Little Mermaid, we knew it would sell well because everyone loves a Disney story. But everyone knew the plot, and this is the exact opposite of that. The story takes everyone back to a time that not many people know too much about. You’re definitely missing out if you don’t see it!
What different roles are the audience going to fall in love with/should keep an eye out for?
The characters I think the audience should keep an eye out for are Babe, played by Skylar Davidson, and Pooch, played by Rohan Puri. Both characters are unique in their own ways, with Babe being a loud and crazy flapper, and Pooch being a paranoid trainer for the football team. Both characters add lots of comedy to the show, and the energy that Skylar and Rohan both bring into the characters is amazing to see, and their two main songs are my favorite ones in the whole show.
How does it feel being the male lead for your senior year of the spring musical?
It really is awesome to have such a big part in my last year here at NA. It is a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it in the end. It is something I am really proud of. I appreciate that I have been given the opportunity to play a variety of roles throughout the years, whether big or small, but this year’s character has undeniably been my favorite.
Have you chosen a college yet? Is theatre something you are going to pursue in college?
I haven’t committed anywhere yet, but I have narrowed down the choices. I don’t plan on pursuing a degree in theater. However, I hope to stay active in the musical community.
So if you won’t pursue a theater degree, what is your intended college major?
I am planning to study music education. I’d like to be a music teacher one day.
Overall, how was your experience being part of the theatre program here at NASH?
Being in the musical three out of four years at NA, it’s probably going to be the one thing I remember the most from my high school career. The friends I have met throughout this process and the memories I have made with them definitely outweigh all the times I was stressed because of the shows. In the end, they have been some of the best times of my life so far. Being able to perform on stage for so many people every night, surrounded by some of my closest friends, is something I will cherish for the rest of my life.