The Advice is Right
Photo by Kaycee Orwig
September 19, 2017
One of the classes I am taking is too hard and I want to drop it, but I don’t want my teacher to hate me. What should I do? ~Overwhelmed
Josie: Don’t be a baby. Stay in the class. It’s probably not as hard as it seems, and you do not want to make your teacher dislike you.
Lea: Drop that class like a hot potato. Your teacher is not going to hate you, and if you really are worried, just explain to them why you are dropping.
I have trouble trying to manage my time between sports, outside activities, and school work. What should I do? How should I manage my time better? ~Problematic Procrastinator
Josie: Do not wait until the last minute. Plan things out ahead of time, so you are not rushing around to get everything done at once. If you know you have a game on Thursday and a big test on Friday, do not save the studying for Thursday night.
Lea: Set times for each activity, that way you remain organized and get everything done on time.
I find myself caring too much about what others think of me. What should I do? ~Self-Conscious
Josie: Let others’ opinions go. It is easy to say, but not so easy do. However, if you try hard enough you will realize that their opinions do not matter. Be confident in who you are! You are awesome just the way you are.
Lea: Everyone else is too wrapped up in themselves and what others think of them to worry about what you are doing, so don’t worry about it!
I want this boy to ask me to Homecoming, but he is super shy and I don’t think he will. What should I do? ~Sallydogz47
Josie: Start by talking to him. Make a point to have a conversation in a class or the hallways. That way, you will get to know one another.
Lea: Ask him! If you really want to go with him, just ask him to Homecoming.
I am trying to find a dress for Homecoming, but I’m so worried that someone else is going to have the same one! What should I do? ~In Need of a Dress
Josie: Try online shopping. You can visit different sites and order multiple dresses of unique styles. You will not be stuck in one store with limited options!
Lea: Go to a boutique a little further away instead of the mall. Your chances of finding something cute and original will be heightened.
Need some advice? Submit your questions here.