The Advice is Right, 2nd Ed.
Photo by Kaycee Orwig
September 29, 2017
I am afraid my friend is falling in with the wrong crowd. How can I have a discussion with her about it without hurting her feelings? -Friendless
Josie: Approach her with honesty. Tell her what you have been seeing and what you do not like. Gage her initial reaction and take the conversation from there.
Lea: Maybe she has just moved on from you. People change and you have to accept her for who she is.
Should a guy pick where the date will first take place? -AskingForAFriend
Josie: The guy should ALWAYS pick. Especially if he initiated the date.
Lea: If you want to have a good time don’t just leave it up to him. Pick your favorite place and take him there.
I want to get involved in more clubs this year but I don’t have any friends in the ones I want to join. What should I do? -LonerClub
Josie: You do not want to be the only one in the club that does not know anyone. Invite some friends to join with you!
Lea: Make new friends in the clubs you want to join! Don’t worry about not knowing someone, that’s the best way to meet new people.
I’m kinda nondescript, but I want to win an award at Senior Banquet. Which award is the easiest to win, and how should I go about winning it? -AttentionPlease
Josie: Do not even bother trying. There are too many people in this school and if you do not already stand out for something, than there is no point in trying.
Lea: Try for most likely to be seen in the halls. All you have to do is spend the majority of your time lingering in the halls whenever you can.
Sometimes when I’m taking a test in Social Studies, I look up and my teacher is staring at me with a menacing face. What’s up with that? -NeuroticOrNot?
Josie: Try shaking it off. However, if you continue to notice it and it becomes a distraction overtime than speak to them. They may not even notice they are doing it.
Lea: Stop being paranoid. They are probably just staring off into space and not even looking at you.
Need some advice? Submit your questions here.