October 30, 2017
October 30, 2017
Robert Morris University at 10:41 AM
Sign up to visit with a representative in your Naviance account. Each meeting will take place in the college visit reception area located next to the auditorium foyer unless otherwise noted.
Looking for a part time job? Check out the job opportunities posted from all the local businesses outside the school counseling office.
Are you interested in learning more about the stock market? Are you considering majoring in finance or economics? Then Investment club is for you! Investment Club will meet every other Friday in room 356. Our first meeting will be held on Friday November 3rd immediately after school. We will play the stock market game, receive mini-lessons from Mr. Mohr, and will listen to guest speakers. We look forward to seeing you November 3rd.
The 2018 Safari Yearbook and Personal Ads are available for purchase. To purchase your book, please go to www.yearbookforever.com. Personal Ad forms are available on the NASH website under the Safari link. Order your book and personal ad today!
You can find a copy of the announcements from today, yesterday, and every day at NASHUPROAR.ORG. Thanks, and have a great day.