Running For a Cause

Project Water is hosting a virtual run over the next three weeks.

Zachary Ludwick, Staff Writer

The blazing desert heat is already enough of a strain on many communities in Africa. As if sky-high temperatures were not enough, thousands of people have to walk miles every day to access their water source. Usually, that water source is not good, clean water. Contaminants and other toxins often infest the only water source that these communities have access to. 

NA Project Water is looking to change this. Along with the well-publicized Dodgeball Tournament, the group is expanding their horizons this year with a 6K Virtual Run lasting from May 15th to June 6th. The long window allows due to the non-timed and virtual format of the event. The 6K is different from the usual 5K, with the six kilometers representing the average distance that communities have to travel to access clean water.

Sponsor Mrs. Prosser is excited about the new event for the group.

“We’ve been trying to come up with ideas for other events to do other than the Dodgeball Tournament for a long time, so this is a great opportunity for us,” she said.

NAI sponsor Mr. Paylo also mentioned that the race will be a live one instead of virtual next year.

Participants can sign up on the Project Water website and have numerous community members sponsor their run. All participants will be running for the Project Water team as a whole, instead of the usual way of raising money individually. 

Paylo emphasized how easy signing up is.

“All you need to do is share our link with friends, family, neighbors, etc. and ask them to consider sponsoring you,” he said. “All participants customize the date, time, location, and method of completing their 6K.  In essence, all participants are working as a team with the goal of raising enough money to construct a Deep Well.”

Project Water is partnering with a new group this year. Its previous group, which was based in Uganda, had to cease operations with the events unfolding worldwide. However, the sponsors are still confident all of the money will be going to a great cause. 

“We found a great contact at World Vision that ensured us the same level of transparency that we had previously experienced, so we are happy to be partnering with them now,” Prosser remarked.

The virtual run is unique in the sense that all of the activities can be completed outside of any school parameters. Runners can run by themselves, with a group, or their families to help raise money. This race is not timed and can be completed anytime during the 3 weeks. A large window of opportunity to participate has opened up many opportunities on ways to raise money. 

Paylo spoke to all of the great ways to take part.

“The consensus is that most participants are choosing to do their 6K with family and friends,” he said. “Many are using North Park, Three Rivers Heritage Trail, and the Rachel Carson Trail to map out their courses. The Paylo family will be hiking 6K (or longer) on the Rachel Carson Trail.”

The run should not only be a great time for all involved but, more importantly, a key component to making sure Project Water can achieve its urgent and noble cause.