Opinion: The future will soon commence
Goals after graduation can seem unattainable, but with belief in oneself, that future becomes fully in grasp.
February 17, 2022
The first step taken off the graduation stage is the first step taken into the individualized futures of every high school senior. It is the first step into a life that is strictly up to their own aspirations, not structured by a high school curriculum. Once the cap is thrown into the air, the time of life for following passions and making dreams realities has commenced. That time of life can be conquered and grasped to its fullest potential. It is not far-fetched; it is not out of reach.
Many people look anxiously at a high school diploma and think, “What next?” Being a 17, 18, or 19 year old young adult who was recently nudged out of the nest of their high school, used to every next year being planned out for them, is difficult. Entering a world that society places on an uncomfortable pedestal is overwhelming. Is this next step even realizable? Or is it too unattainable?
Whether this next step is college, a gap year, traveling, working, or figuring out what the next step even is, it is a reality. It is coming, quite frankly with full force, but with a belief that the seemingly ungraspable independent future is capable of being accomplished, the reality of life after graduating can be comprehended much better.
Anytime someone is experiencing change, it takes adjustment and time. However, a component of change that many overlook is confidence — confidence in oneself that the change can be embraced and happen successfully. For high school seniors, the first year out of what they’ve known for the past 13 years is obviously difficult, as a major element of that is the expectation of being able to achieve more.
Being thrown into a new environment and an independent lifestyle is challenging enough, but to top it off, there is a level of success that needs to be conquered within that new environment.
Overwhelming, isn’t it? But it’s not impossible.

Having a belief in being able to achieve more and do greater things is the key factor. Taking on a world that has excessive pressure built behind it, built up by society our whole lives, and believing that it is not out of reach is the first step in actually securing it. Without confidence in being able to achieve greater things, doubt takes over and eats away at the essence of the student.
Some believe that high school is the best they can do, that the here and now is the final place they will excel. However, every person leaving high school has the potential to at least attempt an even greater future by starting with a belief within themselves. The power that comes with putting oneself in a mindset of openness, confidence, and risk tolerance will determine how far they actually go in life.
Holding onto a mentality that allows the fear of the great big independent future to take over prohibits any chance of actually exploring it, any chance of realizing that it’s great and big and independent, but it’s not all scary. The future can possess some of our most exciting times, some of our best experiences for self-growth.
Stepping off the graduation stage is the first step into a future that, yes, demands work, confidence, and an open mind to succeed in. But it isn’t a future that is unattainable, far-fetched, or out of reach. Given the right chance, the future after graduation can be the most wondrous adventure.