Giving Back

The StuCo Personal Care Drive, which runs through this Friday, aims to provide help to local families in need.

photo by Jess Daninhirsch

NASH Student Council’s Victoria Ren and Gannon Sprinkle pose by the Personal Care Drive collection boxes in the cafeteria.

Sam Podnar, Staff Writer

NASH Student Council is running a drive to collect personal care items such as shampoo, deodorant, shaving cream, and toothbrushes, all of which will be donated to North Hills Community Outreach. Students can drop off items in collection boxes in the cafeteria by the art display case through Friday, March 18th. 

Ben Lindgren, Student Council’s Sergeant at Arms and the Head of the Service Committee, has been planning for the drive since December, though the idea has been floating around for much longer. 

“The STUCO Officers have thought about doing a collection for personal care/hygiene/toiletries since the beginning of this year,” said Lindgren.

He added that the drive was scheduled in March so as to avoid interfering with planning for MORP. Though Student Council has not run a drive supporting North Hills Community Outreach in recent history, to Lindgren and his fellow officers, as well as the Student Council sponsor, Mr. Karolski, the partnership with the organization was a natural fit.

“North Hills Community Outreach is an organization that directly assists individuals within the county and the school district,” Lindgren explained. “We like to have our collections be local if possible, so students know that they are truly making a difference for community members around them.”

The Student Council officers acknowledge that personal care items can be expensive, which creates an even greater need for donations but might make it more difficult for students to contribute. However, they encourage NASH students to donate what they can and help out however they are able. Though monetary donations will not be accepted, there are plenty of other ways to get involved, such as helping with organizing or publicity. 

“We always love to have students spread the word,” said Karolski. “Additionally if anyone would like to assist with sorting items or delivering them to NHCO, they can reach out to me to assist.”

Student Council President Victoria Ren points out that though personal care items aren’t often thought of as necessities, they’re still incredibly important.

“There are a lot of things that do fall under personal care that we forget, like period products, toothbrushes, toothpaste, things like that,” Ren stated. “Those are just as important to help people, help ourselves, feel the best that we feel and take care of our bodies in the way that we need to be taking care of [them].”

Because this is the pilot year for the drive, there is no goal for the number of items collected. But with the help of the NASH student body, the drive could continue helping out local families for many years to come.

“We hope this year is a successful drive and a great new tradition of community service!” said Karolski. 

Students can find details about the drive on posters around the school, as well as the NASH Student Council Instagram page, and can direct questions to Lindgren, Karolski, or Ren. 

“By doing this drive, you’ll be able to support different people in different circumstances to have products necessary for them to live their lives and feel good while doing so,” Ren said.