Advice Is Right, Morp Edition
Photo by Kaycee Orwig
January 28, 2018
I’m having trouble figuring out what I want to major in or get a job in. What should I do to figure it out? -CollegeClueless
Josie: Time will tell, so wait it out! I would start by ruling out which subjects you dislike and struggle with. From there, keep an open mind. I think a lot of times teachers and peers pressure students/fellow peers to make an immediate decision. However, you have plenty of time to decide. Your interests may change, and there is room for that in college. Professors will help you find what is meant for you, and your parents will guide you along the way, too. But ultimately, you are the only one who knows what is right. The time will come and you will be led to the right major, so do not stress.
Lea: Make a list of your favorite activities/subjects in school and see which ones correlate with potential jobs or majors. From there, pick your favorite! But also remember that your interests will possibly change while in college so be open minded and not afraid to change.
I can’t seem to narrow down my college app list. How do I decide what schools to cut? -Indecisive
Josie: Go for them all. If you really cannot narrow them down, then you must not have a preference for one type. This can be a burden while applying, but you will then have plenty to pick from after the process.
Lea: Think about what major you have in mind and see which of the schools you already have on your list is best suited for what you want to study. Cut out the ones that are not geared towards your interests.
Any early predictions on this year’s Senior Award winners at Senior Banquet? -HopefulSenior
Josie: That is a hard one to predict! Everyone thinks differently, but if I had to take a stab at a few of the awards I would predict Best Dressed Girl: Rachel Haas; Most Likely to Succeed Guy: Nikhil Behari; Most Likely to be Seen in the Halls Guy; Davente Fields. But you never know. Things could change, and everyone carries their own opinions!
Lea: I’d have to agree with Josie for most likely to be seen in the halls, but other than that it is too early to predict for me!
I need a creative idea for asking someone to MORP. Please help! -MorpGoer
Josie: My first tip is to not do something stereotypical and generic. There are “proposals” everyone has seen multiple times, so think of something personal. If the person you want to ask plays a sport, make it specific to that sport. If you know they have a special interest in something, involve it somehow. Puns always go over well, and you can use the internet for help if you can’t think of one!
Lea: Food is the way to anyone’s heart. Think of a creative way to use their favorite food and they’ll be sure to say yes!
I want to go on a Senior Trip with my friends this summer, but my parents don’t want me to. How do I convince them to let me go? -Summerlover
Josie: Do not overask. That can lead to frustration, and a quick “no”. Give your parents time, and do not pester them about it. Over time their feelings may change, and they may ultimately say “yes”. If time does not work, try having one of your friends’ parents talk your parents into it. They may be able to tell them why they are allowing their son/daughter to go, changing your parents’ minds.
Lea: Save up your money and be able to pay for the trip entirely by yourself. Your determination will hopefully convince your parents of how much you want to go and show them your independence. And if they still say no, put that money towards college bills.
Need some advice? Submit your questions here.