Desk Designs
From the messy to the meticulously organized, each teacher’s desk reflects a host of characteristics about the person who inhabits it.
January 18, 2023
Teachers’ classrooms and desks give them the opportunity to decorate and express themselves with different colors and patterns. Every teacher’s desk looks different, from extremely organized to a swarming mess, heavily decorated to bare-bones, and personalized to utterly generic.

Honors English 4 teacher Ms. Peters decorates her desk with floral patterns and bright colors. Her desk contains pictures of her pets and decorative jars filled with colorful pens galore.

Unlike Ms. Peters, American history and Honors Philosophy teacher Mr. Pirring takes a minimal approach to his desk. A clean desk makes it easy to never lose any important tests, packets, and notes, Pirring believes.

Pirring’s colleague in the Social Studies Department, Mr. Maddix teaches AP Comparative Politics and US Government, Honors East Asian History, and AP Psychology. His desk has everything out in the open to ensure he never loses or misplaces papers. As a teacher of several subjects, Maddix needs an organizational system that fits his schedule.

Mrs. Manesiotis’ desk is designed to stay organized and have everything conveniently at her fingertips. (Kate Gilliland)Honors Pre-calculus teacher Mrs. Manesiotis teaches a tough, fast-paced class, so her desk needs to assist her in staying organized to keep up with the curriculum. The large monthly calendar allows her to have all tests and meetings written down in front of her at all times. But she also makes her desk homey with pictures of her kids and festive decorations.

English teacher and yearbook sponsor Ms. Tallerico’s desk is a space designed to be functional and decorative. Similar to Mrs. Manesiotis, Ms. T utilizes a giant monthly calendar to keep track of all of her students’ deadlines. On her desk, she also keeps not one but two coffee mugs, which seem to be a top item on the desks of most teachers.

American History and Honors American Foreign Policy teacher Mr. Lyons always has an interesting and entertaining lesson planned for his students. On his desk, he has his laptop plugged into the board to display his lesson plans and videos to his students. He also has drawers full of different colored pens and markers to grade a multitude of tests each quarter.

German teacher Frau Brudnok’s desk sits in the front of her classroom, and when she is not teaching, she spends a lot of time there grading tests and AP German essays. She has a stand for her laptop and a cute cat dispenser for her sticky notes. Like her colleagues’ desks, Brudnok’s features a coffee mug, but she has a cork coaster for it as an added touch.