Tigertrons: A New Addition to NA Athletics
Two large video screens installed in the gym have gained the attention of the community as well as the media.
The videoboards installed in the NASH gym loom large in comparison to displays in other local high school gyms.
February 16, 2023
At North Allegheny, sports are a very large aspect of school life. So large, in fact, that in late December, two massive video screens were installed in the gym here at NASH. The school boasts incredible success in the Athletics Department, with a head-spinning list of WPIAL and PIAA titles. Nonetheless, it is uncommon for high school facilities to have such an asset. In fact, NA is the first WPIAL high school to install such state-of-the-art displays.
It is important to clarify that the video screens were not purchased out of the district budget. Instead, they were financed by private donations and advertising proceeds.
These jumbotrons have certainly attracted lots of attention in the community and local press. The videoboards appeared in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article and on social media.
There was even a video featured on SportsCenter’s Instagram with the caption “This is next level” and the text over the video stated, “Jumbotron in a high school gym is crazy.” The post had over 300,000 likes and 2,400 comments, evoking a strong reaction from the viewers. Some NA students commented “#T4L,” and many students felt proud to see the school represented by such a large, well-known platform.
NA Athletic Director Bob Bozzuto feels that the boards have been well received.
“Individuals have been extremely positive when seeing the videoboards, understanding that they provide great possibilities and opportunities,” he said.
Although the displays have attracted widespread media attention, Bozzuto added that their purpose is not to bring in additional spectators.
“Spectators attend games because they have a connection to the players, coaches, the school, the sport, and the community,” Bozzuto explained. “ The videoboards provide an opportunity to add to the exciting atmosphere of the game, highlighting the talents of our student-athletes and coaches. “
Bozzuto remarked that the boards are not only supplemental to the entertainment experience but also useful for educational purposes.
“The videoboards provide numerous opportunities in an education-based athletic program,” he said. “Our diving team uses the videoboard in the swimming pool every day with a TiVo that delays the video for each practice so each diver can see the dive they just completed.”
The football stadium has a similar videoboard that is used during games for keeping score, showing replays, and playing advertisements.
“We also use the scoreboard at Newman Stadium for educational purposes with some of our teams,” said Bozzuto.
This new tool provides the ability for players to see their performance along with their coaches. It allows players to observe and identify their mistakes, which is imperative for improvement. Strategies like this are utilized at a professional level in the sports industry.
“Videoboards are an extension of the learning process for an athlete to improve their skills,” said Bozzuto. “However, they cannot replace the fundamentals needed to succeed, which are hard work, great instruction, and being focused on the ‘4-D’s’ – Desire, Determination, Discipline, and Dedication.”
While videoboards are a beneficial asset for learning and improvement, they are no substitute for hard work and perseverance.
While the vast majority of reactions are positive, some players feel that the boards can be counter-productive at times.
“When they put in the jumbotron I thought it would be cool, which it is, but it’s also distracting,” said senior Eva Prenatt, who plays on the Girls’ Basketball Team. “Since there are always complications with the jumbotron, they are always working on it during practice.”
The players are hopeful that this can be easily resolved as these issues are worked out by the tech department.
Other players don’t mind the presence of the jumbotrons and report little changes in performance.
“It doesn’t really affect me while I am playing,” said senior Jack MacMurdo, a player on Boys’ Basketball Team. “It is very cool to watch the jumbotron from the bench.”
There have been other positive responses from students outside of athletics, too.
“I recently went to a girls’ basketball game and the jumbotrons were really cool to see close up,” said junior Julia Jordan.