Opinion: Going Greek
Commitment Day, May 1st, is around the corner for college-bound high school seniors, leading many to eagerly looking forward to opportunities like Greek life.
A collage of fraternities and sororities of the past.
April 21, 2023
As NASH seniors finalize college plans, the thoughts on campus life soon follow. For example, Greek life is a plan for many during their college years. Greek life consists living in either a sorority and fraternity, which are found on most college campuses. Additionally, “rushing” is the term used to describe the process of joining a sorority or fraternity. Rushing consists of various events and overall networking with all sororities or fraternities to discover which one would be considered the best fit for the interested students. Sororities and fraternities often have a bad reputation, but there are far more pros than cons regarding the experience.
Hazing rituals, intense partying, underage drinking, forced conformity, possible sexual harassment, and more problems are associated with Greek life. While these are heavy downsides, the majority get blown out of proportion.
While partying does exist in Greek life, the fraternities and sororities promote good habits as well. For example, community service plays an important role in Greek life as the various houses try to give back to their community.
Many consider Greek life to be forced conformity, as it looks as if members are paying for fake friendships. But it is truly underestimated how close people actually are to one another in Greek life. A sense of community is formed in Greek life through spending much time with sorority sisters or fraternity brothers, and the other houses tend to communicate often with one another as well. Future spouses, lifelong friends, and more have all been products of the friendships found in Greek life.
Hazing rituals, activities that are sometimes done in order to enter the Greek life house, scare many incoming students when the thought of joining a sorority/fraternity comes across. However, there are many Greek life houses that no longer haze, as there have been many tragic incidents over the past decades. There have sadly been hazing deaths over the years, which prompted many universities to instate a stricter safety protocol. While hazing unfortunately still occurs, many Greek life houses are forced to follow anti-hazing rules to ensure student safety in Greek life. If a sorority or fraternity has harsh hazing rituals, then it is best to join another sorority or fraternity. It is important to note that most sororities and fraternities do not have hazing rituals, so the entire Greek life culture should not face negative effects on its reputation due to a few houses’ mistakes.
There have been many scandals regarding Greek life, especially fraternities, regarding sexual harassment. The majority of these cases tend to involve a person being intoxicated, so sobriety can serve as a preventative measure. All sexual misconduct is wrong, and many campuses have made sure that this fact is known across their student bodies. Various hotlines, blue light systems, and other safety measures are available across college campuses to prevent harassment of any kind.
The network of fraternities and sororities can prove beneficial later in life as well, seeing that it can increase the chances of getting hired. Many of those involved in Greek life have gone on to be highly successful. Students can also have the opportunity to take on a leadership role in the sorority or fraternity, which can stand out to employers.
Student participation in Greek life may be decreasing, but it is still a great community to be a part of on campus. Students get to belong to one big network that spreads across the country to volunteer, form a sense of community, and make lasting friendships.