10 Things to Do Before Graduation
As graduation approaches, here are ten things seniors can do before the momentous occasion!
Students are so close to reaching the day when the caps are worn and tossed in the air, so there is much to be done before the big day.
June 1, 2023
Countdown to the end of senior year has begun, which means graduation is on the minds of NASH seniors. May is a busy month for seniors due to commitment day, Prom, Senior Banquet, and many more milestones. Therefore, it is essential that some important yet often forgotten parts of graduation do not go unnoticed. Below is a list of ten things to do before the big day that are more than just picking a graduation outfit.
A meaningful task to complete before graduation would be thanking a past teacher. Teachers works with many students throughout the years, so reaching out to them would be appreciated. After all, the teachers are the ones who have led seniors to this point. In addition, thanks parents/guardians, friends, family, coaches, and other influential figures. While there are many people to thank, North Allegheny teachers should be near the top of the list.
It can seem upsetting that the high school chapter of life is ending. But we should strive to celebrate and commemorate their time rather than be too upset that it has ended. While the year is over, seniors have so much to remember, from A Walk Back in Time to Project Water Dodgeball to countless other NASH senior events.
A graduation party is one of the most common ways students celebrate. A graduation party typically consists of a catered meal, photo albums, music, and other fun activities. A vacation, dinner reservations, and taking graduation pictures are also all great ways to celebrate if a graduation party does not seem practical.
While there are many things to do to celebrate graduation and prepare for the event itself, it is important to note other ways that students can take advantage of their North Allegheny education. If a senior chooses to attend college, downloading past assignments from the previous years may help for academics next year. College assignments, lectures, and exams are far more advanced, so it may be helpful to see the content in a simpler format.
While the summer gives college-bound students time to dorm shop, find a roommate, and more, preparing ahead of time can reduce stress. Take the time leading up to graduation to prepare for the big move.
We should also make senior year end on a good note. It is certain that there have been annoyances for each student during their high school year, so seniors should release any tensions to truly be able to look forward to the future. Whether it be saying hi to someone that you have not spoken to in a while, letting go of any grudges, or asking someone that you have never met how their day is, it is important to end the year with peace and new connections.
The end of senior year can be as stressful as it is fun because of AP tests and finals. Although senioritis was ever-present, these tests were still important for students to try their best on. However, once the testing is over, releasing stress is a great activity to do before graduation. A yoga session, deep breaths, a night out with friends, or any another activity that brings students peace and joy can be a productive thing to do before graduation.
While this may not apply to everyone, many North Allegheny teachers have had students write letters to their future selves when younger. If a student had a teacher that required them to write a letter, reading it before graduation will reveal to them how far they have come. Time capsules were also made by many students during elementary school, so students who remember making them should try looking for them. Even without letters or time capsules, a past picture can still serve as a wonderful memory of younger years.
One of the most common parts of a graduation part is a collage of photos reminiscent of the years leading up to senior year. The first day of Kindergarten pictures all the way to Prom pictures can be a great way to look back on the years before, leading up to graduation.
The last task before graduation is to simply get ready to graduate. Students likely already have their outfit underneath their gown planned, but it is important to make sure that this outfit is laundered and wrinkle-free for the big day. After picking up the cap and gown, students have the opportunity to decorate their cap. Whether it be a quote, future plans, a collage, or something else, cap decoration takes time. Generally, being organized for graduation is a big help when the day comes.
With the year winding down, graduation is on the front of the minds of seniors. However, students should try to take the time to appreciate their high school years and prepare for the ceremony by completing at least one of the tasks above. Most importantly, congratulations to the North Allegheny Class of 2023!