Over two years of complete curiosity and confusion have finally come to an end. Hours of brutal questioning and unashamed begging can at last cease. Friends have turned into annoyances, and curiosity has fueled frustration. But now, peace can be redeemed.
Seemingly endless school days were spent agonizing over one, simple question: What happened on September 16, 2022, at 6:38 pm EST?
The answer? Nothing.

NASH junior Santino Scialabba’s laptop features only six stickers, among them the infamous date: “September 16, 2022, 6:38 pm EST”. The curiously specific sticker has aroused countless questions, all of which the owner has refused to reveal.
“It is entertaining to watch [people] frantically search for what happened on September 16th,” Scialabba quipped.
Scialabba actually purchased the sticker in 2021, adding to the mystery.
“I took the approach of pretending I could see the future,” Scialabba commented. “Some took it as far as setting reminders in their phones for the date! I was not expecting this to go this far.”
In 2022, when the day passed, Scialabba still kept the secret.
“I decided to say ‘something happened, you’ll find out later,’” he explained. “Whenever someone asked me what the sticker means, that is what I would tell them.”
Friends speculated over the meaning of the intriguing sticker, and the suspense only grew more intense. But today, the secret has been revealed.
“This September 16, 2022 sticker can be found on a custom printing site called Redbubble,” Scialabba told The Uproar. “To this day, no one has been able to find the sticker on Redbubble, but I can assure you that it is still there. The reason why people cannot find it is because there is a person attached to the sticker. I cut this person off, leaving just the date.”
Some may say Scialabba’s secret was unnecessary, and the tormenting curiosity it evoked was all for naught. However, the story of September 16, 2022, is a funny joke that points to humanity’s need to know.
“The moral of this story is that sometimes we attempt to find reason in things that confuse us, when we should simply let them go. Instead of focusing on minute details that will not help us in our daily lives, we should be focusing on solving real problems to make the best use of our time,” Scialabba noted, emphasizing the significance of the seemingly silly joke.
And he is right. Everyone wants to know a secret.
Concluding his explanation of the infamous sticker, Scialabba said, “Occasionally, I will look back at this sticker and wonder how it is possible that a mindless TikTok scroll and a subsequent impulsive purchase taught me so much, not only about being efficient with time, but also just how to be a successful person. It is one of the best two dollars I have ever spent. Now, I hope it is able to teach a life lesson.”
Walt Freed • Sep 28, 2023 at 9:34 am
Great investigative reporting. A mystery solved!
Santino Scialabba • Sep 28, 2023 at 9:00 am
i would like to add that jaycee was easily the most invested in this sticker out of anyone i know. probably spent hours trying to figure out what it meant. thought she deserved to know that it meant absolutely nothing