With Thanksgiving break now behind us and Christmas break quickly approaching, it’s time to get excited about the holidays. However, those breaks prompt an important question: do longer holiday breaks actually benefit students? Do those extra days off really make a difference?
Supporters believe that there are plenty of benefits, such as being able to spend time with family and friends, to giving students extra days off. With students juggling a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports, clubs, and jobs, there is very little time to spend with friends and family during the school week. Holiday breaks allow students to catch up on any missed time throughout the year and focus on celebrating the holiday with them.
Another key reason supporters think holiday breaks should be longer is that it’s a great mental break and allows students time to decompress from their hectic school lives. It’s a useful time period for students to shift their focus from their rigorous classes to simple relaxation. It also serves as a good way to help students with any stress or anxiety they might be facing because of school.
Breaks are the only time period when students can travel without having to worry about missing school. Students also can use their breaks to catch up on any makeup work they might have without getting more work piled on them.
On the other hand, opponents have a strong argument against longer school breaks — the fact that students have off doesn’t necessarily mean their parents do, too. This means that parents of elementary school-aged children have to find childcare, which can become expensive. Not to mention if anyone has younger siblings, they’re stuck babysitting on their break.
Critics also contend that breaks can lead to students falling behind in class. Students might have trouble retaining information that they learned before the break, which can cause issues once they return to the classroom.
Additionally, lower income students can struggle with longer breaks if they normally rely on school meals.
There is no clear choice between extending or not extending school breaks. While it seems like a great idea at first, it also raises concerns that school districts must consider when making their decision.
So for better or worse, welcome back, NASH.