February 22, 2018

All junior applicants for the Spring induction of NHS should report to the auditorium NOW for a brief meeting. Attendance is mandatory for those applying to NHS.


All students who purchased Girl Scout Cookies off Mr. Pirring report to room 328.


On Wednesday, March 7th the physical education department will be hosting its annual blood drive.  Sign ups are going on now!  Please find any PE teacher to sign up.  Slots fill up quickly and will close on Thursday, March 1st. SAVE A LIFE!  GIVE BLOOD!


The NASH GSA hopes to spread awareness to the school through their new LGBT FYI Poster series.  You can find these posters in each of the four main staircases. Up until March 2nd, take a quiz on the information provided using the accompanying QR codes near the poster or by clicking the link posted on the Uproar for a chance to win a $10 Amazon gift card!


Attention, Bradford Woods Alumnae Seniors!!  Your former teachers from Bradford Woods invite you to come back to your old elementary school and read to our students for Read Across America Day. The date is Friday, March 2nd. You should have received a letter at home with all the details.

Just bring your favorite Dr. Seuss book, or we will supply one for you.  Please call Bradford Woods or email Mrs. Larry or Mrs. Flaherty.  We hope to see all of you on Friday, March 2nd!


A.W.Beattie will be hosting an OPEN HOUSE for interested students, THURSDAY, MARCH 1 from 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm.

Consider attending and exploring the many options offered at Beattie Tech next year.


The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.  Attention NASH JUNIORS AND SENIORS who are Franklin Elementary School alumni!   Franklin is holding their Read Across America celebration on Friday, March 2, and you are invited to come and read to our students at the end of the day!  We’d love to have you read your favorite Dr. Seuss book to a classroom group.  Please go onto the Franklin website to register.  We can’t wait to see you there!


Come show your support as North Allegheny Hockey takes the ice against Seneca Valley TONIGHT at the Baierl Ice Complex in Warrendale. The puck drops at 9p.  Student admission is $2.


La Roche college is offering a COMMUNITY FINANCIAL AID NIGHT PRESENTATION on Tuesday, February 27 from 6 – 8 PM at the Zappala College Center. For more info contact the LaRoche College Office of Financial Aid.


Come be a part of the behind the scenes action of this year’s musical. Help is needed backstage to move set pieces on and off the stage and assist with other behind the scenes tasks. See Mr. Zebley or Mr. Tozier to sign up.


Congratulations to NASH junior, Jack Lopuszynski, who was invited to perform at the Showcase of Finalists for the Shakespeare Monologue and Scene Contest run through the Pittsburgh Public Theater.  Jack portrayed Launce from The Two Gentlemen of Verona on February 19th at the O’Reilly Theater for the Showcase. Jack and the other finalists were chosen from over 1,000 students from over 90 schools to perform in the Showcase.  Congratulations to Jack and all those who studied the works of Shakespeare for the contest!


You can find a copy of the announcements from today, yesterday, and every day at nashuproar.org.  Thanks, and stay tuned for a Throwback Thursday.