The Student Voice of North Allegheny Senior High School

The Uproar

The Student Voice of North Allegheny Senior High School

The Uproar

The Student Voice of North Allegheny Senior High School

The Uproar

Four Books to Enliven Your Summer

NASH Librarian Mrs. Wienand recommends her latest favorites for summer reading.

May has arrived, and summer break is under four weeks away. Sure, sleeping in and taking long vacations are the highlights of the longest break of the year. But a good book can help to make an average summer a great one. And if you’re searching for a good summer read, look no further.

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About the Contributor
Ruby Morris
Ruby Morris, Photography Editor
Ruby Morris is a senior at NASH and is very excited to be Photography Editor for The Uproar. She enjoys going to record stores, trying new Thai restaurants, and memorizing useless historical facts.

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