Tickets are now on sale for the Winter Dance, “Night at the Disco!” Join Student Council on February 1st from 7:30 to 10:30pm. Tickets will be sold for $25 through TODAY. ALL TICKETS are sold online. Check Blackboard NASH Student Information for more details.
Attention Seniors: This is a reminder for all seniors who are interested in sharing their future plans with your classmates. If you haven’t already, please check your email for a message sent by Mrs. Perry on January 22nd. The email contains all the details you need, including a link to submit your plans, which will be featured on our @nashseniorclass Instagram account. Whether you’re heading to college, technical school, the military, or starting your career, we want to celebrate your next steps! Be sure to check your inbox and get involved.
Do you have a passion for creative writing, art, or photography? Do you want to have your work published in a magazine? Submit your work to VARIATIONS, NASH’s literary and arts magazine! Submissions are open until March 21st. Visit or look for the QR code in the halls for more information.
Attention Seniors: The Class of 2025 North Allegheny Pre-Tuition Scholarship applications are now available through Naviance or paper copy through the Counseling Office. Please submit your application and a copy of the FAFSA Submission Summary Page that contains the SAI information amount from your FAFSA filing to the Principal’s Office no later than Friday, April 11th. Please see Mrs. Foglio in the main office with any questions or concerns.
A reminder that students are permitted to utilize the ping pong tables and game room during their lunch periods and anytime that their study hall takes place in the cafeteria with their study hall teachers present. Students are not permitted to utilize these areas unless supervised by their period teacher.
You can find a copy of the announcements from today, yesterday, and every day at Thanks, and stay tuned for a fabulous and fly Friday feature!