Seniors are in their home stretch of high school and emotions are high. Four more months until the Class of ’25 is off on their own.
“I am so happy and excited because I get to graduate and start my new life,” senior Tessa Lindsay said.
James Donaldson agrees.
“This year is pretty easy, and I am really looking forward to graduating,” he said. “It’s so good to be with all of my friends that I’ve grown up with.”
But as many seniors have known each other since Kindergarten, the final months of their NA careers can be accompanied by a tinge of sadness.
“I can’t wait to get out of here, but I am really going to miss all of my friends and being able to socialize with my peers every day,” Aria Costanzo said.
For senior Auggie Maslo, the final stretch of senior year holds much anticipation.
“Baseball season starts soon,” he said, “so I am really excited to finish the year playing baseball with all of my teammates.”
Aly Corna, who has been a cheerleader for over a decade, is preparing for the challenges of saying farewell to the sport she has loved.
“It is going to be so hard for me,” Corna said. “I have put so much time and effort into cheer, and it has been my life since I was a little girl. I’ve also grown up around some of my teammates and we’ve all seen each other grow in our skill and personality.”
Other seniors are grappling with what they want to do after high school.
“I am kind of scared to graduate because I have no idea what I am going to do with my time after high school,” Brooke Radford said. “But I am really excited to start college and meet a bunch of new people.”
For senior Ibraheem Munir, however, the approach of graduation day is loaded with excitement.
“This year has been a lot of fun and I really enjoy all of the freedom that comes with being a senior,” he said. “Although I am very sad that it has to come to an end, I am ready for the next part of my life and for bigger and better things.”
June 6th is rolling in quickly. In a few more months, the senior class will bid goodbye to their days at North Allegheny and broaden their horizons.