Attention students: The student printer in the library is broken at this time. Service has been called. Please use the printers on the 3rd floor outside of room 322 or the student printers located in the cafeteria until the issue is resolved.
Attention students interested in taking AP Exams: Late registration is open with monetary penalties and will close Monday, March 10th at 11:59pm. This is the last opportunity to get registered for an AP exam. Please visit the NASH School Counseling Site for more information or speak to your AP teacher to get registered. If for any reason a student must cancel an exam, Thursday, March 13th is the last day to cancel with a partial refund. There are no refunds for cancellations after March 13th.
Are you a senior planning to enter the education field? The North Allegheny Federation of Teachers is pleased to announce that they will offer up to two $2,500 scholarships to NA Seniors who plan to enter the elementary or secondary teaching profession. If you would like to compete for this exciting scholarship opportunity, view and complete the application on Naviance.
Want to get something special for your loved ones? Hunger n’ Homes is selling paper flowers and ring pops for Valentine’s Day. Pre-orders will be collected during all lunch periods THIS WEEK. A single flower is $1, a ring pop is $2, and a bouquet, which includes 5 flowers and 2 ring pops, is $8. Orders will be distributed on February 14th, and all funds go directly towards purchasing food for the Women’s Center and Shelter of Pittsburgh. So grab your wallets and get some flowers!
Facial Hair February is here! To support Highmark’s Caring Place, please consider either not shaving for the entire month of February or donating a few dollars. All participating students will be entered into a raffle to win prizes like tickets to NA events, Steelers jerseys, and gift cards. To participate, see Mrs. O in room 265 or Mrs. Bielawski in the counseling office.
Do you have a passion for creative writing, art, or photography? Do you want to have your work published in a magazine? Submit your work to VARIATIONS, NASH’s literary and arts magazine! Submissions are open until March 21st. Visit or look for the QR code in the halls for more information.
Attention Seniors: This is a reminder for all seniors who are interested in sharing their future plans with your classmates. If you haven’t already, please check your email for a message sent by Mrs. Perry on January 22nd. The email contains all the details you need, including a link to submit your plans, which will be featured on our @nashseniorclass Instagram account. Whether you’re heading to college, technical school, the military, or starting your career, we want to celebrate your next steps! Be sure to check your inbox and get involved.
Hey, NASH. Get ready for Student Council’s WHOLE SCHOOL BINGO. All next week, there will be a daily Bingo drawing on the morning announcements. You’ll receive your Bingo card in homeroom with a chance to win great daily prizes, including Chick-fil-A gift cards, a JBL bluetooth speaker, a teacher parking pass, NA swag, toys, candy, and much more! Stay tuned to the morning announcements NEXT WEEK for your chance to win.
Attention Seniors: The Class of 2025 North Allegheny Pre-Tuition Scholarship applications are now available through Naviance or paper copy through the Counseling Office. Please submit your application and a copy of the FAFSA Submission Summary Page that contains the SAI information amount from your FAFSA filing to the Principal’s Office no later than Friday, April 11th. Please see Mrs. Foglio in the Main Office with any questions.
You can find a copy of the announcements from today, yesterday, and every day at Thanks, have a great day, and stay tuned for YOUR Throwback Thursday!