Juniors with a 3.9500+ cumulative weighted GPA were emailed information about becoming a member of National Honor Society on Friday, February 14. Questions? Contact Mrs. Oliver Mr. Tengowski.
Attention NASH students: Explore career options and network with professionals at GOAL’s lunchtime Career Conversations! The sessions will take place from February 27th – March 14th, during periods 5-8, in the NASH PLACE or the GOAL Office. Each session will offer a 20-minute presentation, followed by Q&A. Head to our Career Conversations website to find out details about speakers, sessions, and sign ups!
Attention students interested in taking AP Exams: Late registration is open with monetary penalties and will close Monday, March 10th at 11:59pm. This is the last opportunity to register for an AP exam. Please visit the NASH School Counseling Site for more information or speak to your AP teacher to get registered. If a student must cancel an exam, Thursday, March 13th is the last day to cancel with a partial refund. There are no refunds for cancellations after March 13th.
The NA Gender and Sexuality Alliance meets after school every Tuesday in Room 227 at NASH. The NA GSA is open to all LGBTQ students, staff, and allies. Please join the GSA TOMORROW for support, snacks, swag, and great conversation. For more information, contact [email protected].
Attention Seniors: This is a reminder for all seniors who are interested in sharing their future plans with your classmates. If you haven’t already, please check your email for a message sent by Mrs. Perry on January 22nd. The email contains all the details you need, including a link to submit your plans, which will be featured on our @nashseniorclass Instagram account. Whether you’re heading to college, technical school, the military, or starting your career, we want to celebrate your next steps! Be sure to check your inbox and get involved.
Attention Seniors: The Class of 2025 North Allegheny Pre-Tuition Scholarship applications are now available through Naviance or paper copy through the Counseling Office. Please submit a copy of the completed application and a copy of the FAFSA Submission Summary Page to the Principal’s Office no later than Friday, April 11. Please see Mrs. Foglio in the main office with any questions or concerns.
You can find a copy of the announcements from today and every day at nashuproar.org. Thanks, and have a great day!