Earlier this week, the NASH junior class submitted their scheduling requests for the last time.
“Scheduling for senior year is especially stressful because you really have to start thinking about life after high school and what classes will be useful for your goals,” junior Avery Besket said.
Natalie Abel sees next year as an invitation to explore her interests.
“I think that scheduling for senior year is a great opportunity to explore electives that may pertain to your certain interests and hobbies,” Abel said. “I plan for a very chill senior year. I am less academically driven and have more of a creative mindset.”
Sophie Leslie, an A.W. Beattie student who intends to enter the workforce right out of high school, said she doesn’t have any strong feelings about senior year scheduling.
“The only core class I’m taking next year is English, which makes scheduling easy. I want to have a chill senior year.” Leslie said.
Chloe Woodell, on the other hand, has different ideas.
“It’s going to be a more intense senior year for me as I’m taking more honors and college classes,” Woodell said. “On top of that, I have to take a lot of social studies classes, as some credits didn’t transfer when I moved schools.”
Erin Fadgen lies right in the middle.
“This year’s scheduling was pretty simple and straightforward. I was planning for more of a chill senior year with a few hard classes,” Fadgen said. “I’m ready to graduate and go to college, but I am a little nervous about the whole college application process.”
Laura Wells is in the same boat.
“I’m excited for the classes I plan on next year, and excited for senior year in general. Although it’s senior year, I still want to push myself academically,” Wells said.
Mikayla Coll believes she’d catch a case of senioritis.
“I am very excited about some of the classes I’m taking but also nervous for senior year,” Coll said. “I picked easier classes for next year because I don’t think I would complete my work at the end of the year if the classes were hard.”
The whole process of choosing classes, thinking about life after high school, and simply trying to enjoy senior year can ignite many emotions. Junior Kaelen Barcelona, expressed her words in a way that covers how a majority of junior students feel.
“Scheduling is always stressful, but it is exciting at the same time. I love how many options of classes we get to schedule for, but it can be scary going into a class without knowing a lot about it,” Barcelona said. “I am excited to be a senior but nervous for everything that comes with it. I wanted to go with a chill senior year, but I think mine will be a little difficult at the same time. I want to still challenge myself and continue to succeed, but I also didn’t want to cram because it’s the last year.”
No matter which path NASH juniors choose to take, all the best wishes to them.
“I am nervous about facing the world, but I think I am more excited,” Barcelona added. “It will be interesting to see where I go and where life takes me after high school.”