We Are Transformed

Each of us must remain true to ourselves amid the evil of peer pressure

Amber Vora, Staff Writer

I believe that our society has created robots. We have been destroyed and put back together with fake pieces of cheap metal. We are transfigured into ones who dance to the beat of music in complete synchronization. We can’t even envision a world where we aren’t told what to do and who to be. Some crave to be different, but that could lead to the unknown, and we’re conditioned to believe that the unknown is a dark, gloomy place everyone avoids no matter the cost.

I believe that our society has created a ball of insecurities whose doubts are intertwined into an stubborn knot. Every day people lock themselves in the bathroom to deeply stare at their reflection in the mirror and spot out every non-existent flaw. People tell them they’re beautiful, but they are blinded by their own self-hate that leads to self-harm and, in the most tragic cases, suicide.

I believe that our society has mutated us into monsters. We act normal by day but transform into different beings at the slightest sight of the moon. People think they need to drink to impress their friends, yet they look at their reflection in the clear liquid that fills their red solo cup, and all they see is someone that they used to know.

I believe that our society has manipulated us into thinking that we are less than we really are. We are all pressured to look a certain way and hide behind an abstract mask to conceal how we really feel. I believe that the peer pressure that regrettably exists in our generation has done grave damage to us all.

I believe in the power of the simple word “no” and how promote a joyful lifestyle. I believe in a generation that has the potential to live life in its most perfect form.

I’ve seen people get hurt because they don’t have the strength to just say no. They live in an inescapable lie, and they are trapped in their own mistakes. People make their own choices, and as long as they are happy with them, I cannot judge them. All I can do is hope and pray that they will eventually find their path back.

I believe that some people purposely allow themselves to become addicted to substances that they know are slowly killing them. I believe that our society has ultimately blinded our generation from the true meaning of life.