Political Stigma

Lexie Vincenty and Abby Birch

It’s 2019. Some things are changing for the better, and many things are changing for the worse. Everything is changing. Apparently, now the term Republican strikes a similarity with “racist” and Democrat with “lazy and immoral.” The fact of the matter is that there stands a stigma between these two parties; most people just choose to ignore the abhorrent, childish bickering that emerges from either side when something does not go their way.

We could go into the existential side of it and how the concept of political parties even came along, but that would take more than our allotted amount of words. A small side note, though — the Democrats at one point did happen to be largely populated in the South, while the Republicans remained up North; although no one wants to admit it, yes it was set up like this way back when. People will try to ignore it as much as they want to, but it is the insufferable truth.

Back to the lesson of today’s article. In modern American political relations, if they are to be called that still, there remain double standards throughout the two major political parties. For example, since Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh recently dealt with sexual assault allegations, a majority of the Democrat Party bashed most, if not all, the right side of the spectrum. Ever since, criticism of the right side seems as if it is at an all-time high, even after the 2016 election.

In regard to the Kavanaugh hearing, Democrats claimed that all allegations of this nature should be thoroughly investigated in order to find the truth. But only a few weeks after the Kavanaugh hearing, Democrat Keith Ellison had allegations of emotional and physical abuse brought against him by an ex-girlfriend, who also claimed she had a video of one of his attacks. Yet, most Democrats said nothing at all about these allegations and let it run out of the news cycle without saying a word.

Not only is this blatant hypocrisy, but the Democrats also threw aside a woman that they claimed they would protect. Who knew the #MeToo movement would have its limits? Some Democrats did eventually start to call for an investigation into these allegations, but it was nowhere near the scale of Kavanaugh and the calls came weeks after Ellison was first accused — yet most still said nothing.

Maybe everything considerable that happened in the last ten years has been pushed to the back burner to be forgotten, such as when there was a time when no mobs formed when an African-American was elected as President for two consecutive terms. It is either that, or the media did not feel the need to show it, but at this point, everyone knows they would follow it for weeks.

This includes but is not limited to, the fact that Democrats constantly associate Republicans or anyone with a slightly-right mindset with being racist. Indeed, we cannot speak for everyone on this side but we speak for the majority: there are racists everywhere. At this point, it has nothing to do with the two parties. They can be anyone or anywhere.

All in all, maybe it is the constant need to feel included within a group that drives people to pick their favorite side — de-individualization, if you will. No matter what side you fall on, flaws, hypocrisy, stereotypes, and mistakes will follow you. As hard as it might be, put your pride aside and consider the fact that other people are allowed to have their own views, no matter if they prefer the left over the right or vice versa. Everyone has led a different lifestyle, which is why their beliefs are rooted in the foundation that they are now.

George Washington could not have said it better himself: “[Political parties] are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterward the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”