Senioritis: Risk Factors and Preventative Measures

How to avoid the perennial disease before it strikes

Amber Vora, Staff Writer

The disease that spreads among seniors every year has already hit many future graduates. Don’t let it touch you! Follow these steps to avoid senioritis:

  1. Pick out your outfits before you go to sleep. This eliminates the “I don’t have anything to wear” anxiety that swirls around your mind when you should be doing more productive things. You’ll have more time to sleep and less time to worry.
  2. Go to bed as early as possible. Sleep is important, especially because it helps your brain function better during the school day.
  3. Do your homework right after school or your extra-curricular activities. After school, your brain is still working on high speed and will most likely still quickly recall what you learned the day. This way, you’ll have time to relax and get to bed on time.
  4. Relax. Pace yourself. If you’re overworked, you’ll burn out sooner … and then you’ll fall prey to senioritis. Give yourself an hour or two to do whatever you want. Take a nap, watch TV, or play videogames. Put a reasonable time limit on your academics so you don’t go into overdrive, run out of energy, and not want to go back to your homework at all.
  5. Come to school prepared. Bring food and water, wear comfortable clothes, and ALWAYS have headphones. This will make the school feel less like a prison and more like a normal day.

There you have it. Follow these five simple steps, and you’ll fend off this contagious disease.