Put to the Test

With the arrival of AP Exams, some students are stressed while others are stress-free

Cassidy Kufner, Reporter

AP Exams have arrived, and stressed juniors and care-free seniors have varying takes on the matter. For some, the tests are an essential part of their imminent future, with practice exams having taken up a huge portion of their time the past month.  Yet others have adopted a more lax attitude.

For those like junior Jaime Martinez, the upcoming tests are of great importance. Taking four AP classes and all four of the exams, Martinez will certainly be putting in the work required to do well.  Despite a hefty workload, however, he maintains a positive attitude.

“The pressure can be overwhelming at times, but I believe it gives me a big jolt of motivation to become more efficient in my daily life in order to be able to study and succeed on all these tests,” Martinez said. “The stress may want to tell us that we can’t do it and that we should give up, but we should be able to take that negative energy, turn it into determination, and push through these last few weeks.”

For others, the rigorous and exhausting testing isn’t as alluring, and a lack of AP testing is a welcome reprieve. Senior Teighan Racicot won’t be studying for any exams and finds herself relieved.

“I’m taking three AP classes and zero AP tests because I forgot to sign up before the deadline, and honestly I feel free,” Racicot said.

AP tests don’t just come with potential college credit. They also come with a whole lot of stress. And senior Katie Kosco is well aware of the tradeoff.

“I think that AP tests are mostly used for profit by the college board because of how expensive they are rather than student achievement,” Kosco said. “With that said, I decided to take the test to see how well I know the subject I’ve been learning about all year and to potentially get college credit.”

Kosco is taking one AP class and will be taking both tests that accompany the course, the Macroeconomics and Microeconomics exams.

Possessing a similar attitude, senior Henrique Marchi is enrolled in five AP classes but is registered for only four tests, including the Macro and Micro exams.

“At this point in the school year, I’ve not only been emotionally drained but also physically drained from all the stress of these classes,” Marchi said. “I decided to only take four because I knew that if I took the AP Chem or Physics 1 tests I would be lucky to get a 2.”

While dismal, Marchi’s take on AP testing is certainly a relatable senior-year perspective. The stress of years of high school and numerous AP classes is a heavy weight on the mind.

To all those taking AP tests, we wish you the best of luck! And to those who decided to opt out, many of us completely understand.