RANTS & RAVES: Prom Edition

Rachel Schaelchlin, Reporter


Don’t get me wrong, I am very excited for Prom, and I have been since I was little; however, the preparation for Prom is something that is not so enticing. I don’t really know how it is for guys, but I am going to go out on a whim and say that it is a whole lot easier. So much time goes into planning how you’re going to do your hair, your makeup, dress alterations, what shoes you’ll wear, where you will take your pictures, transportation, and the dress itself. You don’t just try one dress, and that’s the one; no, you grab so many dresses that your arms feel like they are going to fall off. Sometimes, you see the perfect dress and find out they don’t have your size, or you get the “perfect” dress, and then a month later, you hate it. Or, there’s the persistent, antagonizing thought in your head that another girl will have the same dress you have. Girls plan so far in advance; in fact, I know a few girls who got their dresses in February. The process of everything else still takes up a lot of time — however, I don’t think it takes as much thought and time as the dress. You sort of plan things around the dress (besides pictures and transportation). The planning for Prom takes up so much time that could be put to other valuable things, except we all know it’s not going to be.

The price for Prom! Samantha Solenday wrote an article on the average price for Prom, and her findings are absurd. Along with the time spent going into it, the money many people spend on Prom could pay off. I don’t think I spent much on the whole, but some people actually spend over $500 — some girls’ dresses are more than $500! The dance ticket itself is $75, and with Post-Prom, it’s $85, so just add that to the growing bill. If you get your makeup and hair done by a professional, that’s more money added, and shoes can get pretty pricey, very quickly. I just think it’s crazy how much money we are willing to pay for one night in our high school lives.

I will admit Prom is overhyped, no matter how excited I am for it.


The slow, long week before Prom is one of the toughest weeks of the year, but the weekend acts as a great motivator. As I am writing this on Tuesday (April 30th), I can say that I am already exhausted from the week and just want to go home and take a five-hour nap; however, the one thing that is getting me through the week of AP prep and circuits is the thought of Saturday rolling around, with Prom finally arriving. It is a great motivator if the senioritis has hit, and the thought of failing a few (or all) of your tests doesn’t bother you anymore. For this week only, use Prom as your motivator to push ahead in all your classes and get through the long days of school.

I think the most exciting thing will be the fulfillment of going to Prom after years and years of thinking about it. I’m sure the dance itself will be fun, and the preparation, however long and tedious, was as well. It’s just very exciting to be finally getting to go to our Senior Prom — not to mention all the memories that we will make, having an enjoyable time with all our close friends and classmates. However long the night might be and all the feet that will be sore by the end of it, I’m sure we can all say that Prom is going to be a blast.