The Crash of NASH

On Monday morning, a car accident occurred that hindered over a hundred students from arriving to school on time.

Hannah Shiflett

With the daily traffic on Perry Highway (Highway 19), a vast majority of students just took the heavy traffic as normal Monday morning, although things were far from normal.

“I had to call my dad to tell him that I’m not skipping class, it’s just that traffic is heavy,” said Junior Sydney Frencho who at the time of calling her parents, didn’t know about the car accident.

At about 6:58 in the morning, a car crash occurred at the stoplight in front of NASH. According to Officer Ray, “there was a motorist heading south on Perry Highway who had the right of way, as she was going straight. The other motorist was attempting to make a left hand turn into the high school. She had the green light, but not the green arrow, so she would have to yield towards southbound traffic. She did not which resulted in the crash.”

This resulted in NASH notifying students that they have until 8:00 AM to arrive at school due to the accident. This had, of course, made many student drivers, who didn’t get to school until 7:45 AM, happy.

For student drivers, a normal commute time of ten minutes to NASH was pushed to an hour-long journey. Most students who came from the north side of NASH had to deal with the majority of the traffic while students coming from the south side of NASH were lucky enough to not have to deal with such heavy traffic.

“I left my house around 7:03 and it took me about 10 minutes to get school, but that was because I was one of the lucky few who got directed by Officer Ray,” said Senior Antonio Servagno, who was coming in from the south side of the school.

As for the students who were coming in from the north side, they all had interesting stories to tell, like Senior AJ Berarducci who got stuck on Perry Highway. “My girlfriend, her brother, and I stopped at Dunkin’ Donuts to get her a drink”, he stated. “It took us seven minutes on Perry Highway to finally move. We didn’t even make it to the intersection with McDonald’s by the time we were considered late. We received word that we just had to make it to school before 8 AM, so I decided to pull into McDonald’s get food and got back on the road. We got to school around 7:45 AM.”

As for students who were stuck on Richard Road, many students couldn’t even move their cars, some of which just parked their car and waited for the line to move. Others even took the un-progression of the line to the point of getting McDonald’s. “I saw multiple people getting out of their cars and walking to McDonald’s,” said Gabriell Parker as she had witnessed students getting out of the cars that were parked in the line and walk up the hill towards McDonald’s. There were also students who stuck their hands out the window and played a game of rock, paper, scissors.

As a result of this car accident, many students were not able to make it to school on time. Although, luckily, no one was hurt. Those who drove to school will have a memory of students running and going to McDonald’s while stuck in traffic.