The Key is Kindness

Kindness is a universal language understood by all. When we carry on random acts of kindness without expectation of reward, we experience the greatest joy.

Hannah Ledrick, Staff Writer

Serve someone else today–the kind way! Add a sprinkle of kindness, the perfect ingredient to make any dish better. Nash students give the inside scoop on their approach to kindness.




Random Acts Of Kindness Ideas:

  • Give a stranger a compliment
  • Pay for the person behind you in line at a drive thru 
  • Bake cookies for a neighbor
  • Ask a teacher how you can help 
  • Buy a homeless person lunch
  • Put or leave change in the vending machine
  • Leave positive messages on sticky notes pasted to lockers or mirrors
  • Cook dinner for your family
  • Answer ‘Dear Santa’ letters
  • Write a letter to a soldier
  • Stop and hold the door for someone
  • Make a care package to send to someone who needs it
  • Buy flowers for someone to brighten their day
  • Let someone in front of you in line
  • Clean up someone else’s mess
  • Volunteer at a soup kitchen