Overheard in the Halls / 3rd 9-weeks


Student 1: “You look like you’re gonna cry.”

Student 2: “I just keep thinking about the giraffe from Madagascar.”


“Happy Birthday! You’re 18 now, so I can legally beat you.”


“They wouldn’t let me within 50 feet of a school if I grew out my beard.”


“He force-fed me chocolate that I couldn’t eat. He made me feel different”


“You’re being dramatic for attention.”


“See, I hate anyone middle class and below.”


“Wanna be a character in my claymation?”


“If I don’t marry a man like my father, I don’t know what I’m gonna do.”


“I hope I gave like five other people pink eye since I went to the party.”


“The only Valentine I’m getting this year is from Team Snapchat.” 


Student 1: “So if sine is y and cosine is x, what’s ‘siss’?”

Student 2: “‘Siss?’ You mean cosecant?”


“I swear to you, if I don’t get to go to Disney, I’ll throw a fit!”


“If we get corona in Disney, at least we’ll get it in the most magical place on Earth.”


Student 1: “Is there a virus on your phone?” 

Student 2: “I am the virus.” 


“Did you just call me a penguin?”


“The way he walks is so disgusting it makes me want to kiss him.”


“I wish you were in an arranged marriage. Not really, I’m just mad at you right now.”


“I’m 18.  Isn’t that crazy? I can now buy a lottery ticket and go to prison.”


“I’ve spent more time with the new principal than most teachers have.”


“I always knew I’d have haters, but I never thought NoodleTools would be one of them.”