Juniors Behind the Wheel

Upcoming assembly steers towards student safety

Katelyn Steigerwald, Junior Class Editor


For most students, getting to school is not nearly as big of an issue as getting to class is. But the daily route to and from the NASH parking lot carries serious safety concerns. This year, the building administration is taking preventative action by arranging a juniors-only assembly focusing on this one, paramount aspect of teenage life: driving.

As most juniors are of driving age, the safety of these new drivers is of special significance to the district.

“We work very closely with kids day in and day out, and we recognize that a lot of the decisions they make have a big impact on themselves and on others, too,” NASH Principal Mr. Kreider said.

Roughly 3,000 teens die each year in car accidents, making driving the main cause of death for teenagers in America. Lack of experience and excessive distractions are often the main culprits in these crashes, leading teachers, principals, and parents to take control and make sure that teens are informed of the dangers they could face. Common activities like listening to music, texting friends, or chatting with passengers could become deadly in an instant.

“It’s a genuine care and concern for our students,” Kreider continued. “We want to make sure that we provide them with lifelong skills that apply not only here at school but also in the real world.”

Another factor contributing to this recent spike in hazardous driving over the years is the pressure of drugs and alcohol on young adults. In fact, drivers under the age of 21 are responsible for 17% of alcohol-related crashes per year.

The NASH administration is intent on doing everything within their power to make sure that students do not fall victim to the temptations of drugs and alcohol, especially when in transit.

Kreider added, “Anytime I read the news headlines that talk about students being involved in a fatal accident, it’s saddening, and in many cases, the accidents out there can be prevented by following a few safety tips. It hits home”.

The assembly, scheduled for November 14, promises to make a positive and poignant effect on the school’s juniors.  NA staff will be present, as will guest speakers and a KDKA film crew. However, seniors will not be in attendance, primarily because of the mock crash held specifically for them in the spring.

“Last year we started the mock crash assembly towards Prom and graduation season,” Kreider said. “We wanted to circle back and put something similar in place for juniors.”

The November 14th assembly will be held from 9:30 to 10:30 in the NASH Auditorium, all in an effort to instill caution in the minds of the junior class before they shift into drive.