Traffic Patterns
November 12, 2017
On the left-hand part of your steering wheel, there is a little lever. If you flip that lever up, your right turn signal switches on. If you flip it down, the left turn signal switches on. Now that you know what that lever does, please use it.
Why are there still hall passes? No one has ever stopped me and asked me to show my hall pass. Half the teachers lose theirs, and the other half don’t care if you use theirs. Can we just rely on the honor system and believe that kids in the hallways are not ditching class?
PEOPLE LEARNING TO DRIVE, PLEASE PAY SPECIFIC ATTENTION TO THIS ONE… When you drive and you reach a busy merging point such as any time leaving the NASH parking lot, most people follow a system called the zipper method. This is when a car from one side merges and then a car from the other side follows. Cutting off someone isn’t cool, and you deserve the angry looks that you will receive, so please do everyone a favor and follow the zipper method.
Everyone is kind in the hallways. Many people have let me go before them, and I have never seen a fight occur in the hallways. The type of environment we have at North Allegheny is not apparent in many other schools, so we are really lucky to be able to get from point A to point B without trouble.
The school lunches taste really good, and there are many options for every student to choose from. The lunch ladies are also really nice, and some of them know your regular orders or know you by name.
Our student section is number one in the WPIAL, and our sport teams are fantastic. NA consistently wins WPIAL and state championships in sports all over the board. For example, our soccer teams qualified for states, and our girls volleyball team has not lost a single game.
noah anderson • Jan 11, 2018 at 9:01 am
I disagree with the idea that the food at NASH tastes good.
Zach Penrod • Jan 11, 2018 at 8:57 am
Great topics, I agree on the hall passes. I dont know why we need them anymore.
Jenna Beam • Jan 11, 2018 at 8:54 am
Very nice writing. All your rants are very relatable. Keep it up!
Kaeli • Jan 11, 2018 at 8:53 am
I agree! The rant. People don’t know how too drive and I feel as though its not hard to go 15mph and turn your turning signals on. Its 7am in the morning or 2:15 in the afternoon and I feel that people should still be listening and following simple rules like not cutting people off and turning your signals on. Love the rant!
Catie Groom • Jan 11, 2018 at 8:51 am
I like this because I agree about the hall passes. Why do we even have them its just something that you take to the bathroom with you. No one asks where I am going when I am in the hall with a pass or without a pass. I think they are pointless.
Megan Santini • Jan 11, 2018 at 8:50 am
This article I honestly can relate to. I agree that people should learn how to use their turn signals– it really bothers me when kids don’t use them leaving the parking lot at NASH. It also bothers me how people race out of the parking lot and cut each other off.
Stephan • Jan 11, 2018 at 8:49 am
The zipper method should also be used when people are backing out of a spot. When you have a small car between two bigger cars it’s really hard to back out and hope the other drivers won’t hit you because you can’t see behind you.