The Randy Gore Story
Meet the voice of the North Allegheny Sports Network
Sports broadcaster Randy Gore (pictured left) has supplied North Allegheny with play-by-play updates for over ten years. Seated to the right is color commentator Rick Meister.
In a world where sports figures are placed on pedestals, every athlete aspires to hoist the winning trophy. Whether recreationally or competitively, the promise of teamwork, accomplishment, and pride draw those athletes to continuously sign up for sports teams.
For the large percentage of athletes who do not move on to play a sport in college, their dreams surrounding a future in sports seem to plummet. However, a different path can allow former athletes to continue to foster their love for athletics beyond their high school years.
The voice of the North Allegheny Sports Network and webmaster of the North Allegheny athletic website, Randy Gore, is living proof of that.

As a recreational athlete growing up, Gore could usually be found participating in an abundance of unorganized pick-up games with his school friends. Whether he was shooting hoops after school or blocking the net as an inline goalie, his childhood memories created an emotional connection to athletics.
For Gore, leaving the action of sports behind him would be like leaving behind a part of himself. With that mindset in tow, Gore enrolled at Waynesburg University, where he studied communications with an emphasis in sports broadcasting.
Gore knew that scoring a position in the competitive field of broadcast journalism directly after graduation would be tough. Luckily for him, things worked out in his favor.
“I was very fortunate to find a job quickly out of college, but that is not always the case for many coming out of [the field] now,” Gore told The Uproar in a recent interview.
Although a tailored resume and some pure luck might be to thank for his first opportunity, the hours Gore put into his work showed he had the same passion for it that he once had for skating on the rink with his friends. The WJPA Radio Station in Washington, PA became Gore’s second home. He spent his weekdays reporting news and his weekends anchoring.
“[It] allowed me to enhance my interviewing and news and sports writing skills, as well as develop a solid on-air presence,” Gore said of his time spent on 95.3 FM and 1450 AM.
After a few years under his belt, he migrated into the section of high school sports broadcasting at WJPA, where his career really took off. It was during those 11 seasons broadcasting for the Washington Wild Things minor league baseball team when he made a name for himself at North Allegheny.
“In 2006, the Washington Wild Things added a new coach to their coaching staff who would change my life forever: Bob Bozzuto,” Gore explained.

Bozzuto is the Athletic Director at North Allegheny. Over the next decade, Gore continued his work with the team in Washington while Bozzuto, slowly incorporated him into the NA athletic program. Gore’s experience dramatically increased as he worked as a basketball and football broadcaster for the North Allegheny Sports Network.
Collecting awards left and right, he was the perfect recruit as the lead broadcaster of North Allegheny Sports Network after the sudden passing of Don Vandergrift.
“Mr. Vanderbilt was a great broadcaster and an even better person, and I was fortunate to have met him and [to have learned] from him,” Gore said.
Continuing Vandergrift’s legacy is one of Gore’s priorities as he strives to honor the talented players and coaches that have walked the halls of NA.
Since his official welcome to the Tiger family in October of 2010, Gore has worked tirelessly not only to keep North Allegheny’s sports fans updated, but also to tackle the constant technological changes that have become a norm for journalists everywhere.
“Growing up, my only sources for sports information were TV, radio, and print. Now, thanks to the internet, a sports fan can access internet broadcasts, game stories, and recaps of just about any sport imaginable,” Gore said.
Although the ever-changing media is a factor that keeps Gore’s job exciting, his favorite aspects of his current role are the background stories and interesting tidbits he learns about the student athletes.
Whether speaking upon a recent injury an athlete has recovered from or mentioning a graduated older sibling, keeping listeners entertained has never been much of an issue.
Throughout his career, Gore has seen a variety of events. He shared that he has broadcasted as a pitcher threw a perfect game and in another instance witnessed a skunk walk across an occupied field.
“No matter how many games I have covered, I know there is always the possibility of seeing something that I haven’t seen before,” he said.
It is clear that his love for the game and for his job has not faltered over the years. Contributing his success and happiness to hard work, Gore believes that determination can help anyone achieve their goals.
“A door will open for you, but you have to knock loudly and never give up,” Gore said.

Kara Mihm is a senior co-editor-in-chief on The Uproar. Along with writing, she also contributes to NATV. When not in school or participating in sports, you can find her online shopping with the money from her minimum-wage lifeguarding job. She is very excited about her second year of writing for the school newspaper.
Andy Chomos • Apr 30, 2021 at 9:37 pm
Fantastic article Kara!
Randy has worked tirelessly to become “the voice” of North Allegheny. We are fortunate to have him. Keep up the great work Randy!
Joy Manesiotis • Apr 30, 2021 at 4:09 pm
Great article Kara! Randy is a fabulous broadcaster and and an even better person. I always enjoy listening to his broadcasts making NA athletics come alive over the internet broadcasts. He work is so appreciated as he’s able to join families and friends from miles away with his play by play. Well done!