At the Front of the Class
The Class of 2022 Senior Class Officers look forward to an eventful final two months.
The Senior Staff Officers are working together as a family to ensure the best senior year possible for the Class of ’22.
November 8, 2021
As the NA class of ‘22 embarks on the second quarter of their senior year, the three most cherished events of the year — Senior Banquet, Prom, and commencement — may feel as if they reside in the distant future. But for the Senior Class Officers, as well as their two faculty advisers, Ms. Perry and Mr. Solenday, the end of the year does not happen without a lot of planning earlier in the year.
Behind the scenes of the regular school day, President Coleman Walsh, Vice President Drew Lopuszynski, Secretary Chelsea Boyer, and Publicity Director Abby Barton are hard at work to ensure that the Class of ‘22 has the best year they can possibly have. Promising a year back to normal, these four individuals are eager to get the ball rolling on their future events and activities.
Coleman Walsh, the newly elected president, has been an avid member of the Student Council for many years and is excited to go beyond what he accomplished last year.
“I’ve always enjoyed student government and stepping into the roles that come with it since middle school student council,” Walsh said. “Last year I headed the junior class council, but we didn’t get to do much in the context of the year, so this year I hope to do what I can to change that.”
Similarly, Vice-President Drew Lopuszynski is very enthusiastic about the opportunity to create a fun last year of high school under the circumstances of a normal school year.
“After how crazy everything has been, I wanted to run so that our class could have an eventful and memorable experience in our final year of high school,” said Lopuszynski.
“I feel like there’s a lot we missed over the course of the last couple of years, and being a senior only happens once so I want to make it count. I’m super excited to plan out all the events we have in store for the class of 2022, and I know the other officers and I are going to work as hard as we can to give you guys a meaningful Senior year,” he said.
The selection process for senior class officers was all but an easy one– not everyone could make the cut. Publicity Director, Abby Barton, lets us in on her experience of being elected into the position.
“I was very proud of getting voted to be the Publicity Director,” Barton said. “I was really surprised that I won, but I am definitely excited to work with my fellow officers.”
Walsh was taken aback by the results of the voting process, yet thrilled with the outcome.
“I definitely wasn’t confident,” Walsh commented. “I had myself pretty much convinced I was going to lose up until the moment the names were called. I am definitely really happy and relieved with the outcome.”
Now that the anticipation and excitement of the election process have concluded, it is time for the officers to get to work and tend to their businesses. The first item on the table is the senior shirt; listing all of the graduating class of ‘22 in a fashionable way.
This is where the duties of Publicity Director Barton come in; she must get the news out on the shirts fast, and spread the word throughout the class.
“As Publicity Director, I need to make sure all seniors know when ticket and shirt sales are,” Barton states. “I make sure when and where events are, such as Prom, Senior Banquet, and graduation. I also help the other officers plan these events.”
After the t-shirt sale, the next big events are the planning of Prom, the Senior Banquet, and the graduation ceremony at Newman Stadium. These events are what urged Secretary Boyer to step up and become a senior class officer.
“I really wanted to be a part of planning the major senior events,” Boyer explained. “Being involved with the school is very important to me, and I want to give us the best senior year possible.”
Following the year high school students just endured, these senior class officers wish to bring back old traditions in their full form.
“Our main goal is to do what we can to have as much of an in-person high school experience as possible with whatever restrictions are in place,” Walsh concluded.
These four seniors– Coleman, Drew, Chelsea, and Abby — are committed to providing the Class of ‘22 with the best senior year possible. As the representatives of their class, they will each put their best foot forward in the planning and preparation of school events and festivities for the 2021-2022 school year.