Advice is Right 7th Edition


photo by Kaycee Orwig

Photo by Kaycee Orwig

Lea Hendricks and Josie Wadlow

I am nervous to leave all of my friends for college. I know it is a long time away, but I am already sad thinking about it. What should I do? –Dazed&Confu$ed

Josie:  Try not to dwell on what is going to happen. Think of all of the exciting times you have already had together, and work to create more. This will allow you to spend the most time with your friends before college! While you will  meet new friends in college, you will always have the opportunity to be with your old ones when you come home. Plus, thanks to social media and phones, you can be in contact with your friends whenever you would like! If you miss them or want to check in with them, just remember they will always be one text, call, or snapchat away!

Lea: Reach out to people who you know will be attending the same college as you and try to connect with them. That way you won’t feel alone and overwhelmed when you are away at college and can feel comfortable knowing you have friends there.


I am in love with this boy, but he does not notice me. How should I grab his attention? -InLove

Josie: Wait for him to notice you. Do not spend your time chasing after someone who does not want you. As hard as it is, let it go. If it is meant to be, it will be.

Lea: When you pass him in the hall, make a point to have eye contact and smile so he notices you or, if you feel confident enough, say hi!


I feel like I am too heavy, and I find myself eating lots of junk food. How should I cut down on my weight? -AdvicePlease

Josie: To begin, try to change your mindset. Do not stand in the mirror and hate the way you look or think negatively. A positive attitude always assists in positive outcomes. Secondly, try cutting back on the amount of sugars and carbs you eat.

Lea: Replace your usual snacks with healthy substitutes that you enjoy eating. It is never fun to be eating healthy but not really enjoying the taste of what you are eating. Instead, pick a few of your favorite healthy snacks and always remember that change starts within. If you want to lose weight to be healthier, great! But never change for a desired appearance because physical changes take time.


I have been wanting a pet dog for the longest time, but my parents keep making up excuses for me not to get one. How can I convince them? -NeedsomeConvincing

Josie: Try showing them that you are responsible. Prove to them that you are mature and could handle a dog in the house. You can do this through helping out more around the house. Good behavior almost always works. Additionally, let them know that you would play a big role in potty training the dog. Usually, that is one of the biggest reasons why adults do not want a dog!

Lea: Having an animal is a big responsibility, and since you are either a junior or senior in high school it is most likely that in a short time your parents will be the ones stuck at home taking care of your pet. But if you really have your heart set on it, show them sad pictures of dogs in animal shelters and remind them of the amazing life and love your family could provide to one!


Should I register for an AP test I am not sure my college will accept? -APhelp

Josie: No. It is a waste of time and money. If you are unsure, try contacting your college.

Lea: Before you hand over any more money to the College Board, call your college and ask. You do not want to spend hours taking a test and fork over almost 100 dollars to come to find out in the end that your college won’t accept it.


Need some advice? Submit your questions here.