Student Council is hosting a food drive ALL NEXT WEEK with all proceeds going to North Hills Food Bank. Bring canned food, other nonperishable goods, and money to your homeroom. The homeroom with the most cans collected by the end of the week wins FREE DONUTS! Please donate to support a great cause!
Attention Students interested in taking AP Exams. Early bird registration will run through November 12th. The registration process is a two-step process. Please visit the NASH School Counseling Site for more information or speak to your AP teacher.
Attention all LGBTQ students and faculty: If you are feeling overwhelmed or unsure, the NA Gender and Sexuality Alliance is here for you! We meet after school every Tuesday in Room 227. The NA GSA is open to all LGBTQ students and staff, as well as our allies. Please join us on Tuesday for support, snacks, swag, and great conversation. For more info, contact us at
Attention all seniors, a representative from Jostens will be at NASH during all lunch periods on Tuesday, November 19, to pick up any order forms for graduation announcements or any other graduation items that you wish to purchase and to answer any questions. As a reminder, caps, gowns, and tassels will be ordered for you through NASH and you will purchase these items during the week of graduation.
The Knit & Crochet Club will meet TODAY in Room 227. All levels of experience are welcome, including those who want to learn how to knit or crochet. See Mrs. Rhinehart with any questions.
Students are encouraged to sign up to take the ASVAB Test at NASH on Monday, November 18 in The Place. Please stop by the NASH Main Office to register for the test before the end of the day Thursday, November 14. The ASVAB exam is an aptitude test designed to help students align their strengths and helps predict future academic and occupational success. The test takes about three hours and includes 200 items. The team here at NASH feels that the ASVAB will give students the best direction possible when planning what they would like to do after high school. Stop down to the NASH Main Office with any questions.
You can find a copy of the announcements from today, yesterday, and every day at Thanks, have a great day, and stay tuned for THREE fabulous and fly Friday features!