Free and anonymous phone service opens lines of communication to maintain safety


Zachary Ehling, Culture Editor

Posters throughout the school make it clear.  If there is ever an instance when you feel that the safety of our school district or its students is in jeopardy, do not hesitate to call the NA TIPSLine, 724-933-TIPS (8477).

The North Allegheny TIPSLine was established prior to 2009 to make sure that students, parents, and others could safely and responsibly inform local police and school administration of any threats to the district. Callers are directed to a voicemail where they can leave any information they may have. While any threats are immediately relayed to local law enforcement, callers will remain anonymous. Law enforcement will then filter the information and contact school officials the communicate how they plan to deal with any threats.

As recent events across the country pertaining to gun violence and other threats toward schools have gained the public’s attention, Administration is emphasizing that the TIPSLine is open 24/7, 365 days a year.  The service permits phone calls, including anonymous ones, but text messages are not accepted.

“We want students, parents, and other members of our community to have a viable resource for relaying potentially dangerous threats to the district,” NA Public Relations Specialist Emily Schaffer said. “We are encouraging people to speak up.”

The TIPSLine relies on students, faculty, and residents to communicate threats, regardless of whether they are seen or heard, from interactions in the school and community to postings on social media. 

“We want students feeling safe and comfortable knowing they can contact the administration at all times,” NASH Principal Dr. Kreider said. “If you ever feel unsafe, feel free to come down to the office and talk to any adult. We are here to help.”