Homecoming Hysteria

The dance can be a great experience, but I won’t mind missing out

Valerie Davis, Co-Editor-in-Chief

Who are you asking? How are you asking her? Who’s in your group? Have you picked out a dress yet?

These are just a few questions that have been festering in my brain for the past few weeks. However, there is one word that has settled in my head for too many days, weeks, months, years now: Homecoming.

If you would’ve asked me at the beginning of my freshman, sophomore, and yes, even my junior year, how much Homecoming meant to me, I probably would have said I would be devastated if I didn’t attend the dance. That is hard to admit, but I feel as though I am not the only one who has felt, or even feels now, that way. It’s funny, though. Looking back, Homecoming was one night in each school year that was an absolute blast but also something I regret fretting about for as long as I did.

The world will go on if you are not in your best friend’s group or if your crush does not ask you. Trust me.

Over the past three years, I have spent an excessive amount of money on dresses, shoes, nails, hair, eyebrows, and any other expenses you can think of in order to make the night perfect. The annual event is expensive not only for the ones invited but also for those doing the inviting.  Boys usually have to cough up the cash for two tickets, a suit, tie, corsage, and in most cases, the dinner.

Evan Diulus and Ian Rampton ask Skylar Davidson and Caroline Lucas with extravagant signs and flowers. photo by Valerie Davis

Ah, dinner: the inevitable brawl within groups about where to eat before the dance. “Let’s go to Ichiban!” No, we don’t want to feel disgusting at the dance. “Let’s go to Bravo!” No, Italian food is overrated and we don’t want to be bloated. “Let’s go to the Cheesecake Factory!” Is that a fat joke?

You get the picture.

There is also the drama that comes with “asking season”: a three-week period in which the only pictures you see on your Instagram feed are Homecoming proposals. This is undoubtedly the most aggravating aspect of the dance itself. Girls will do almost anything to get a date and be in the same group as their friends. Again, I have been there. And “asking season” will be over soon. The world will go on if you are not in your best friend’s group or if your crush does not ask you. Trust me.

I have attended all of the Homecomings so far in my high school career, but this year, I will not be in attendance. Not because I do not want to go, but because I have a family commitment across the country the exact same day.

I know what you’re thinking– a conflict the same day as Homecoming?Insanity!

But I can’t help but think that maybe this isn’t a coincidence. Perhaps it’s fate telling me Homecoming is not worth all of the stress, time, and money. Life will go on, even if I will not be sweating profusely in the NASH cafeteria for three hours.

Although it may be stressful and you may feel like you want to rip your hair out now, Homecoming truly can be a magical night. But so can other nights.  To all of you planning to attend the dance, I sincerely hope you have a wonderful time.