June 1, 2021

Attention Seniors: Can you believe it, only three days left in your last week of high school? So, celebrate and participate in your last Senior Spirit Week. The theme for tomorrow is Pittsburgh Day, so don your favorite hometown sports team, college, or venue. Thursday is Senior T-shirt Day. Still haven’t purchased one, no problem. There are still small, medium, and large t-shirts available in room 313 for $15, so stop in tomorrow to buy yours. And finally, Friday: Luau Day. Have a great and memorable week!
Attention all students: If you have anything checked out from the NASH library, please return it as soon as possible. Everything is now due, and seniors will be required to pay for any materials not returned. It is best to deposit your books in the book drop just outside the main library doors. If you have any questions, email our librarian, Ms. Wienand, at [email protected].
And finally, Senior Send-Off tee-shirts will be available for pick-up next Tuesday during all lunch periods.
You can find a copy of the announcements from today, yesterday, and every day at nashuproar.org. Thanks, and have a great day, NASH!