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The Student Voice of North Allegheny Senior High School

The Uproar

The Student Voice of North Allegheny Senior High School

The Uproar

The Student Voice of North Allegheny Senior High School

The Uproar

Megan Wilson

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer

Megan Wilson is a senior at NASH who is a part of the school orchestra and captain for the NAGU frisbee team. In her free time, she loves to hang out with her friends, watch Netflix, and box nuggets at Chick-fil-A.

All content by Megan Wilson
Wacky National Holidays: June

Wacky National Holidays: June

Abby Pingpank and Megan Wilson June 1, 2020

June 3rd-- National Running Day  Trapped in your house for too long? Go out and stretch your legs. Go for that long awaited job in your neighborhood or maybe even North Park!   June 4th--...

Stringing (Virtually) Together

Stringing (Virtually) Together

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer June 1, 2020

As the school year comes to an end, we start to look back on this weird year. For most, it was a sad ending to what should have been the best year of high school. Seniors experienced their last day of...

Snapshot Inspiration

Snapshot Inspiration

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer May 26, 2020

While being stuck at home, we find ourselves wanting and itching to get outside and be able to be free once again. We search for different activities that can soak up some time and keep us from being bored....

Wacky National Holidays: May

Wacky National Holidays: May

Abby Pingpank and Megan Wilson May 4, 2020

  May 2nd -- National Brothers and Sisters Day  The one day of the year that you should get along with your siblings. It is just for one day, so go out and do something fun with them. Or just...

Book Review: This is Where it Ends

Book Review: This is Where it Ends

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer April 27, 2020

Bang. Bang. Shots ring out through the auditorium. This has been the reality in many schools across the country: Sandy Hook, Parkland, and countless others. Many students in the United States worry if...

Environmental Impacts of Quarantine

Environmental Impacts of Quarantine

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer April 6, 2020

The horrific toll that COVID-19 continues to take on public health and the global economy is documented daily, if not hourly, in the media.  It is an especially dark time, and we're justifiably reminded...

Wacky National Holidays: April

Wacky National Holidays: April

Megan Wilson and Abby Pingpank April 1, 2020

April 1st --National Walking Day Since we are all stuck in quarantine with nothing to do, we might as well go on a walk. It is a great source of exercise and it gets you out of your house for some fresh...

Homebound Happenings

Homebound Happenings

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer March 24, 2020

Best Buddies rented a dunk tank during the lunch periods today to raise money for the organization, as well as allow students to exact a little retribution on their teachers, such as Mr. Kodenkandeth, pictured above.

In Over Their Heads

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer March 4, 2020

  "DUNK! DUNK!!"  The chant was at times deafening at the NASH front entrance during the lunch periods earlier today. It was no reference to a slam dunk in a basketball game, but rather...

Wacky National Holidays: March

Wacky National Holidays: March

Abby Pingpank and Megan Wilson March 2, 2020

March 1st-- National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day Starting off the month, we have National Peanut Butter Lover's Day. If you especially enjoy peanut butter cookies, candy, or just a plain ol' spoonful,...

Jump Shot

Jump Shot

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer February 28, 2020

How long have you been playing basketball?  I was exposed to basketball at a very young age because I had older siblings who played. However, I didn’t start formally playing until around 3rd grade.  Favorite...

The History and Importance of Voting

The History and Importance of Voting

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer February 24, 2020

Turning eighteen is a milestone in many ways.  Not only are you able to buy your own lottery ticket or not have a curfew, but also you can join the armed forces and you finally have the opportunity to...

Small Restaurants Review

Small Restaurants Review

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer February 6, 2020

Wexford is one of the best places to go out and eat. Within a radius of just a few miles, there are loads of different places with a variety of foods for all tastes and appetites. Route 19 itself is home...

Wacky National Holidays - February

Wacky National Holidays – February

Megan Wilson and Abby Pingpank February 1, 2020

February 1st: National Eat Ice Cream for Breakfast Day - You already eat it for dessert, so why not eat it for breakfast as well? There are so many flavors you can eat and enjoy. Ice cream is one of the...

Screenshots: The Rise of Skywalker

Screenshots: The Rise of Skywalker

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer January 13, 2020

The greatest sci-fi saga finally came to a close over winter break. The Rise of Skywalker was released on December 20th, and tons of fans rushed to the theaters to see how it would end. The action-packed...

Wacky National Holidays - January

Wacky National Holidays – January

Megan Wilson and Abby Pingpank January 1, 2020

January 4th: National Spaghetti Day   This is the day to gain all the carbs you can, stuff your face with tons and tons of noodle goodness, and drown your spaghetti in a whole bunch of sauce or cheese....

A Decade Review

A Decade Review

Hannah Shiflett and Megan Wilson December 20, 2019

It seems hard to understand how the decade is coming to an end. To older generations, the 2010s may not hold major significance for them, but it does for those of us born in the 2000s. For the teens born...

To Infinity and Beyond

To Infinity and Beyond

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer December 13, 2019

As we reach the halfway point of the year, graduation is already on the minds of the senior class. And there's no surer sign than the senior t-shirts that can be seen in the hallways with increasing frequency. The...

Top 10 Disney Remakes

Top 10 Disney Remakes

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer December 6, 2019

Over the past couple of years, Disney has been hard at work creating remakes of their countless older movies to share with the newest generation of Disney viewers. Many of the animated movies previously...

Wacky National Holidays - December

Wacky National Holidays – December

Megan Wilson and Abby Pingpank December 3, 2019

Dec 1st: National Christmas Lights Day Get those Christmas lights out from storage today, and decorate everywhere you can to get into the holiday spirit. There are a bunch of different colored lights...

Apple's Gender Neutral Emojis

Apple’s Gender Neutral Emojis

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer November 21, 2019

Emojis have been in our lives from the start of the awkward middle school phase till now. The once simple ":)" has turned into very extravagant faces, animals, food, and everything in between. Back then,...

Wacky National Holidays - November

Wacky National Holidays – November

Megan Wilson and Abby Pingpank November 1, 2019

November 1st: National Cook for Your Pets Day This is the day to cook a meal, not to treat your human friends but rather to treat your pets. Instead of feeding your pet the usual store-bought meal,...

Buy or Bye: Halloween Edition

Buy or Bye: Halloween Edition

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer October 30, 2019

It is spooky season, my friends! Halloween celebrations should be bursting with spooky costumes, decorations, pumpkins, and tons of candy. Here are tips for what you should buy or bye while preparing...

Divorce can rupture a house, but children can learn to be strong enough to endure the hardship.

Two Is Not Always Better

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer October 11, 2019

Two of everything. Two houses. Two birthdays. Two holidays. Two vacations. You name it. For most of us, could life be any better? Extra presents on Christmas, twice the amount of food on Thanksgiving,...

Wacky National Holidays - October

Wacky National Holidays – October

Abby Pingpank and Megan Wilson October 3, 2019

October 1st -- National Homemade Cookie Day This month is starting off with a bang! Who would not want to bake cookies all day! If that sounds like you, October first is the day for you to celebrate....

Physics teacher founded the Teachers' Book Club last year.  As year two commences, she's delighted to "bring like-minded people together and build a sense of community."

Coffee and Conversation

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer September 27, 2019

Join DECA!  Try out for the musical!  Don't be mad.  Be SADD! Only four weeks into the school year, extra-curricular activities are already in full swing. Given the abundance of clubs at North Allegheny,...

The revival of The Lion King is a gift to fans of the Disney classic.

The Lion King Musical Review

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer September 17, 2019

One of the most classic Disney movies has again hit the big stage. Not only was The Lion King movie redone earlier this year, but it is yet again getting its chance to entertain and inspire as a live theatrical...

Most high school students across the U.S. exist in a bubble of sorts.  It can therefore be refreshing to venture outside of our comfort zones.

A Different World

Megan Wilson, Staff Writer September 10, 2019

Summer is the time of year for vacation, enjoying time without any homework, and getting to sleep a majority of the day away. But most of all, making memories with family and friends. After a hard and...

Keeping the Streak Alive

Keeping the Streak Alive

Megan Wilson, Reporter May 31, 2019

Attention all enthusiasts of Greek and Roman culture! Earlier this month, the NA Junior Classical League, under the leadership of Magistra Ramsey, celebrated their 22nd consecutive championship at the...

The Right to Choose

The Right to Choose

Megan Wilson, Reporter May 22, 2019

6 weeks. The law passed in Georgia banning abortions once a fetal heartbeat can be detected, which is typically around week 6 of a woman’s pregnancy, is set to become one of the most restrictive laws...

Top 10 TV Shows from the 2000s

Top 10 TV Shows from the 2000s

Megan Wilson, Reporter May 10, 2019

They're the shows that we all watched when we were younger -- we rushed home from school, grabbed a snack, turned on the TV, and watched our favorite programs. The 2000s were some of the best years on...



Megan Wilson, Reporter April 11, 2019

We sat down with Kayla Brown, a senior at NASH and one of the captains of the Girls' Ultimate Frisbee Team, to talk about her experiences with NA Ultimate. How long have you been playing Ultimate Frisbee?...

Buy or Bye: Milkshakes

Buy or Bye: Milkshakes

Megan Wilson, Reporter March 28, 2019

Milkshakes are perhaps one of the most delicious and refreshing drinks around. Pittsburgh and its surrounding communities are home to many places with delightful and sweet milkshakes, so the Uproar decided...

Awareness of Teen Dating Violence

Awareness of Teen Dating Violence

Megan Wilson, Reporter February 28, 2019

One of the lasting memories of each teenager’s high school years is their first romance. For many, this is a time for first dates and first loves. As wonderful as these memories can be, it can also be...

Shattering Glass

Shattering Glass

Megan Wilson, Reporter February 8, 2019

Have you seen Split? Or Unbreakable? If you enjoyed these movies, Glass is the movie for you. Samuel Jackson and Bruce Willis from Unbreakable reprise their roles as Elijah Price and his nemesis David...

Top 6 Winter Activities

Top 6 Winter Activities

Megan Wilson, Reporter February 4, 2019

As the weather outside is getting colder, our first thought is that we are trapped inside with nothing to do. That, however, is not the case. We are surrounded by a big community with tons of things to...

Lending A Helping Hand

Lending A Helping Hand

Megan Wilson, Reporter January 4, 2019

In the summer of 2016, I became a youth volunteer at the John Heinz V.A. Hospital. When I started my first day, I did not realize the impact that veterans and volunteers have in each other’s  lives....

Top 10 Christmas Movies

Top 10 Christmas Movies

Megan Wilson, Reporter December 19, 2018

It's that time of year again -- time to cuddle up in a blanket, drink some hot chocolate, and watch a holiday movie. Christmas is the best time of year to have a movie marathon with your friends and family,...

School and Sickness

School and Sickness

Maddie Kantz and Megan Wilson November 14, 2018

Stress: we all suffer because of it. From school to work to everything in between, high school students are too often victims affected by stress in some way. Stress and sleep are parts of an endless...

Good Talk: Mrs. Winters

Good Talk: Mrs. Winters

Megan Wilson, Reporter November 12, 2018

Did you always want to be a gym teacher? Yes, I did. Did you play any sports in high school? I did softball and cheerleading. Was gym your favorite class in school? Yes, it was my favorite...

Fall Entertainment

Fall Entertainment

Maddie Kantz and Megan Wilson October 17, 2018

Summer is over. Hot chocolate, sweatshirts, and cold weather are back. Not only is it time to bundle up, but it's also time for new movies and albums to come out for the last part of the year. Many artists...

Screenshots / Mission: Impossible -- Fallout

Screenshots / Mission: Impossible — Fallout

Megan Wilson, Reporter October 9, 2018

Tom Cruise gives another memorable performance as Ethan Hunt in the latest installment of Mission: Impossible -- Fallout. Followers of the Mission: Impossible franchise have come to expect fast-paced action,...

Good Talk: Ms. Yakich

Good Talk: Ms. Yakich

Megan Wilson, Reporter September 11, 2018

Do you have a favorite vacation spot? My favorite vacation spot is the beach, specifically like Corolla Beach North Carolina because there is a family I’ve been with since I was younger watching their...

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